Posted inSupreme Court

Federal appeals court strikes down ObamaCare rule, setting up Supreme Court showdown

By Bill Mears, Morgan Phillips | Fox News A federal appeals court upheld a lower court’s ruling that a key aspect of the ObamaCare law is unconstitutional — setting up another likely Supreme Court showdown in a presidential election year. The 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals by a 2-1 vote concluded the original law’s key funding mechanism known as […]

Posted inNational News

Rudy Giuliani says he was key player in Yovanovitch ouster, has proof of Dem impeachment a ‘cover-up’

By Charles Creitz, Edmund DeMarche | Fox News Rudy Giuliani, a personal attorney for President Trump, said Monday that he played a key role in forcing ex-U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch from her post earlier this year, and claimed that he has evidence the Trump impeachment inquiry is a “cover-up” of Democratic malfeasance. Giuliani, one of Trump’s most loyal defenders, told Laura Ingraham […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Horowitz Report, Testimony Provide Historic Condemnation of FBI’s Surveillance Actions

By Jeff Carlson “There is such a range of conduct here that is inexplicable … Our final recommendation was to refer the entire chain of command,” DOJ Inspector General said. The newly released report by Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, along with his groundbreaking testimony before Congress, noted the material failures of the […]

Posted inThe Wall

EXCLUSIVE | We Build The Wall President Brian Kolfage: Corrupt International Organization Controls Southern Border, Not DHS Or Border Patrol (VIDEO)

By Alicia Powe Neither the Trump administration, Congress, US Customs & Border Protection or the Department of Homeland Security are currently in control of immigration along the southern border, triple amputee veteran and a founder of the nonprofit organization We Build The Wall Brian Kolfage warns in an exclusive interview with Gateway Pundit. The […]

Posted inNational News

CNN admits Trump correct, that 2 Democrats misquoted Ukraine call during impeachment markup session

By Danielle Wallace | Fox News CNN sided with President Trump this week, agreeing in a fact check that two House Democrats, both from Texas, had misquoted the president’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky during a House Judiciary Committee impeachment markup session. In a Twitter message Thursday, Trump wrote that Reps. Veronica Escobar, who represents El Paso, and Sheila Jackson Lee, who […]

Posted inOpinion

Socialists Run for US Senate 2020

By Trevor Loudon Featured Image: Community organizers Cristina Tzintzún Ramírez (L) and Brittany Packnett share how they’ve built a social movement, at The Summit on Race in America at the LBJ Presidential Library on April 9, 2019. Tzintzún is founder and director of Jolt, a Texas-based organization that builds the political power and influence of […]

Posted inCongress

Democrats Get Trump Phone Call Transcript Wrong Again

By Zachary Stieber Democrats removed or changed President Donald Trump’s words multiple times on Thursday, including changing the word “us” to “me.” The change to the transcript of Trump’s July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was made as the House Judiciary Committee debated two articles of impeachment against Trump. During the debate, Rep. Veronica […]

Posted inOpinion

Rep. Andy Biggs: Democrats continue baseless rush to impeach Trump despite no evidence of wrongdoing

By Rep. Andy Biggs | Fox News The House Judiciary Committee, on which I serve, met Wednesday night to continue work on the baseless articles of impeachment that partisan Democrats are considering against President Trump – despite the obvious absence of any grounds for seeking his removal from office. No one should be surprised that the Democrats announced two articles of […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Chris Wallace: Misdeeds found by DOJ watchdog Horowitz were ‘shocking,’ Comey has a lot to explain

By Charles Creitz | Fox News “Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace said Thursday that the findings in Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report were “shocking,” adding that former FBI Director Jim Comey has much explaining to do. Wallace told “The Daily Briefing” that Democrats were originally concerned about the advent of the report, but — […]

Posted inCongress

House panel to hold key impeachment vote, after day of all-out sparring and intrigue

By Gregg Re | Fox News Volodymyr Zelensky looked “as if his daughter was downstairs in the basement, duct-taped” when he publicly undermined Democrats’ case by sitting across from Trump at the United Nations in September and declaring that he felt no undue pressure from the president to conduct any political investigations. “There’s an imbalance of power in that relationship,” Johnson […]