Seal of the United States Department of Homeland Security

The Department of Homeland Security has a vital mission: to secure the nation from the many threats we face. This requires the dedication of more than 240,000 employees in jobs that range from aviation and border security to emergency response, from cybersecurity analyst to chemical facility inspector. Our duties are wide-ranging, and our goal is clear – keeping America safe.

Get Involved

Homeland security starts with hometown security, and everyone – individuals, parents, business owners, and community leaders – has a part to play. Learn more, get involved, and make a difference.


The #BeCyberSmart Campaign is a national effort to raise public awareness of how to recognize cyber vulnerabilities and educate the nation on how to protect themselves against cyber assaults and take personal responsibilities for online security measures.

Blue Campaign – Fight Human Trafficking

The Blue Campaign is the unified voice for DHS’ efforts to combat human trafficking. Working in collaboration with law enforcement, government, non-governmental and private organizations, the Blue Campaign is working to end human trafficking.

Citizen Corps

The mission of Citizen Corps is empower individuals through education, training, and volunteer service to make communities safer, stronger, and better prepared to respond to the threats of terrorism, crime, public health issues, and disasters of all kinds.

If You See Something, Say Something™

Learn about indicators of terrorism and violent crime, and about the importance of reporting suspicious activity to the proper state and local law enforcement authorities. is a national public service campaign designed to empower Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies, including natural disasters and terrorist attacks.


The STOP. THINK. CONNECT. ™ Campaign is a national public awareness effort to encourage safer online habits.

Stop the Bleed

Stop the Bleed is a national awareness campaign and call-to-action that encourages the public to train, equip, and empower themselves to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives.

Border Security

Protecting our borders from the illegal movement of weapons, drugs, contraband, and people, while promoting lawful trade and travel, is essential to homeland security, economic prosperity, and national sovereignty.

  • Border Security Overview America shares 7,000 miles of land border with Canada and Mexico, as well as rivers, lakes and coastal waters around the country. These borders are vital economic gateways that account for trillions of dollars in trade and travel each year.
  • Border Security Results DHS has deployed unprecedented levels of personnel, technology, and resources and made has made critical security improvements to secure and manage our borders.
  • Ending Legal Loopholes and Securing Our Border DHS is committed to enforcing our immigration laws so that we can secure our border and keep the American people safe.
  • Executive Orders on Protecting the Homeland In January 2017, the president announced a series of Executive Orders that provide the Department with additional resources, tools and personnel to carry out the critical work of the department.
  • Measuring Effectiveness DHS has deployed unprecedented levels of personnel, technology, and resources and has made critical security improvements to secure and manage our borders.
  • Trade International commerce is critical to America’s economy, and the entire world. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is committed to keeping it safe and vibrant.

Citizenship and Immigration Services

Managed by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the United States’ lawful immigration system is one of the most generous in the world.

  • Citizenship and Immigration Services Overview America is a nation of immigrants. That diversity is the backbone of our arts, industry, and culture.
  • Citizenship and Immigration Results Through a multi-layered, risk based system, DHS has taken significant steps to ensure that immigration benefits are not granted to individuals who pose a threat to national security.
  • Providing Immigration Benefits & Information DHS, through U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), provides immigration benefits to people who are entitled to stay in the U.S. on a temporary or permanent basis.
  • E-Verify E-Verify is the Internet-based system that the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration operate that allows participating employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of newly hired employees.
  • CIS Ombudsman The Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman (Ombudsman) is dedicated to improving the quality of citizenship and immigration services delivered to the public by providing individual case assistance, as well as making recommendations to improve the administration of immigration benefits by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
  • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is a a non-congressionally authorized administrative program that permitted certain individuals who came to the United States as juveniles and meet several criteria to request consideration of deferred action for a period of two years and eligibility for work authorization.

Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

Safeguarding civil rights and civil liberties is elemental to all the work we do at DHS.  The Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL) supports the Department’s mission to secure the nation while preserving individual liberty, fairness, and equality under the law.


We have been notified by several individuals about scam phone calls that appear to come from the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Hotline (CRCL), which is 202-401-1474.  The callers claim to be from an office within DHS and make false statements to gather personal information.  In some instances these callers have been hostile and threaten to call the police if the individuals contacted do not comply.  These calls are not legitimate.  If you receive a call from this number, do not answer it, and do not provide any information if you do.  You can report any incidents to your local law enforcement office.  
Please know that calls into our hotline remain unaffected and that we continue to receive and process information.

  • Overview The Department of Homeland Security integrates civil rights and civil liberties protections into all department activities.
  • Results and Reports DHS has achieved significant results for civil rights and civil liberties by providing proactive support for integration of protection into all DHS activities and policies.
  • Make a Civil Rights Complaint The Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties reviews and investigates civil rights and civil liberties complaints made by the public regarding DHS policies and activities.
  • Transparency in Civil Rights Investigations The Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties strives to maintain transparency in its civil rights investigations processes.
  • Resources for Recipients of DHS Financial Assistance Recipients of federal financial assistance from DHS are required to administer their programs and activities in accordance with Federal civil rights authorities and DHS implementing regulations prohibiting discrimination.
  • DHS Faith-Based Guidance DHS, along with eight other Federal agencies, ensures religious liberty protections for beneficiaries of federally funded social service programs, while also protecting the ability of religious providers to compete for government funds on the same basis as any other eligible organization.
  • Disability Access DHS is committed to strengthening and supporting full inclusion and equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in its programs and activities.
  • Civil Rights in Emergencies and Disasters The DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL) supports individual and community resilience to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other emergencies. Through guidance, planning and coordination, CRCL works to ensure that civil rights and civil liberties are integrated into disaster-related policies and procedures.
  • Language Access DHS recognizes the importance of being able to communicate effectively with individuals, including those with limited English proficiency (LEP), across our many missions and functions.
  • Law and Policy Read about the legal authorities of the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
  • CRCL Privacy Protections To ensure that privacy considerations and protections are incorporated, system operated by the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties have been evaluated by the DHS Privacy Office.

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