Posted inNational News

Lisa Page breaks silence, saying Trump’s ‘fake orgasm’ forced her to speak out

By Gregg Re | Fox News “Honestly, his demeaning fake orgasm was really the straw that broke the camel’s back.” With those striking words in an interview published late Sunday, Lisa Page, the ex-FBI lawyer who carried on an extramarital affair with former FBI head of counterintelligence Peter Strzok as the two exchanged anti-Trump text messages, said she was […]

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The Traitorous CIA’s Role In The Attempted Overthrow Of America Goes Back DECADES

Using One False Flag After Another & Their Total Infiltration By America-Hating Communists & Muslims.  – US Intelligence Agency Traitors Have Long Tortured & Murdered Americans With Impunity. By William B. Stoecker – All News Pipeline Many Americans have always been suspicious of the intelligence community, and especially of the CIA. Many suspect that the […]

Posted inOpinion

FBI Diagnosed With CIA Disease

By Angelo Codevilla An inspector general’s report underscores how the FBI departed from its tradition of professionalism and honesty in pursuit of domestic political influence. he Justice Department’s inspector general this month reprimanded the FBI for the manner in which it recruits and supervises its “confidential human sources.” To the layman, this seems about technicalities. In […]

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“Lincoln Jailed Over 13,000 Journalists—Roosevelt Went Around Them—Now Trump Presides Over Their Destruction”

By A microcosm is defined as a situation regarded as encapsulating in miniature the characteristic qualities or features of something much larger—one of which we were all presented with yesterday as a representation of everything wrong in America today—and was when the once storied, and in business since 1933, publication Newsweek Magazine ran an article describing how President Donald Trump was spending his Thanksgiving Day golfing, […]

Posted inNational News

Carter Page accuses DOJ of ‘Orwellian overreach’ over effort to prevent him previewing FISA report

By Brooke Singman, Adam Shaw | Fox News EXCLUSIVE: Former Trump campaign aide Carter Page is accusing the Department of Justice of “Orwellian overreach” in its efforts to delay responding to his lawsuit seeking early access to the long-awaited report on FBI surveillance during the 2016 campaign — days before the report is expected to be released. “On Monday, this Court confirmed that […]

Posted inOpinion

Bozell and Graham: Bloomberg, 2020 and the candidate’s massive, credibility-crippling conflict of interest

By L. Brent Bozell III, Tim Graham | Creators Syndicate Billionaire “news” media mogul Michael Bloomberg is running for president. How will his Bloomberg News empire cover this? Bloomberg News posted an article touting how much trouble President Donald Trump is in. It lustily listed all his scandals: “Lawmakers and prosecutors are looking at whether he abused the powers of the presidency, […]

Posted inWorld

London Bridge attack suspect shot and killed by British police after stabbing: report

By Fox News British police shot and killed a terror attacker Friday on the London Bridge — a harrowing incident that left several people injured and snarled mid-afternoon traffic on the key thoroughfare that had been the site of a deadly Islamist attack just over two years ago. Wolfgang Kitzler@wolfgangert London Bridge Attack14.1K9:45 AM – Nov […]

Posted inWorld

Fusion GPS Book Shows Firm ‘Retaliated Against Me’ After Clinton’s Funding Uncovered: Nunes

By Zachary Stieber The co-founders of Fusion GPS revealed in a soon-to-be-released book that they took action against Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the ranking member and former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, after he revealed the firm was paid by then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton through a law firm. “They actively obstructed justice by disrupting […]

Posted inOpinion

Rebecca Grant: Fired Navy secretary’s actions prove a ‘deep state’ anti-Trump ‘resistance’ exists at Pentagon

By Rebecca Grant | Fox News The resistance movements in Europe in World War II were made up of brave men and women who risked their lives to fight tyrannical Nazi occupation forces. Absurdly, political opponents of President Trump today call themselves “the resistance,” and pretend they are heroically fighting evil in the form of the president of the […]

Posted inWorld

Hunter Biden’s China connections plagued by ethics questions and national security concerns

By Hollie McKay | Fox News As the Democrat-led impeachment inquiry into President Trump deepens, a spotlight has been cast on Hunter Biden ventures abroad not only in Ukraine but in China, where he set about investing while his dad served as vice president. The questions come as Republicans are demanding that Hunter Biden – the 49-year-old son of Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden – […]

Posted inNational News

Trump takes stage for “homecoming rally” in Florida

By Morgan Phillips | Fox News President Trump took the stage in Sunrise, Fla. Tuesday night to address supporters at what his reelection campaign rally had dubbed a “homecoming rally”  before the start of his Thanksgiving break at Mar-a-Lago, his new primary residence. TRUMP USES TURKEY PARDON TO MOCK SCHIFF, SAYS BIRDS ALREADY RECEIVED SUBPOENAS  Tuesday’s rally marked his first official campaign […]