Posted inNational News

Biden’s gaffes continue as Election Day draws near

By Megan Henney | Fox News Biden mispronounced health care as ‘badakathcare’. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden stumbled on his words again, twice, while campaigning this weekend with less than 100 hours to go until the Nov. 3 election. Speaking during a drive-in rally in Michigan on Saturday, Biden told voters about how President Trump would destroy the Affordable Care […]

Posted inNational News

‘No climb’ fence going up around White House, says law enforcement source

By Stephen Sorace | Fox News Preparations come amid concerns over potential Election Day unrest. With Election Day preparations in full swing across the country, the White House will have a “no climb” fence installed this week around the entire complex, a law enforcement source told Fox News on Monday. A similar fence already exists around Lafayette Park and parts of […]

Posted inNational News

Trump’s path to victory includes winning Nevada or Arizona, holding Georgia, North Carolina

By Evie Fordham | Fox News Miller claimed that Democrats would try to ‘steal’ back the election. President Trump’s path to reelection includes holding Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina and even picking up purple state Nevada, Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller told ABC’s “This Week.” The campaign is “very confident, very safe we’re going to win Arizona” and earn more than 290 electoral votes […]

Posted inOpinion

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel: Republicans fighting Democratic attempts to steal election victory

By Ronna McDaniel | Fox News The Republican National Committee has invested over $20 million and launched an unprecedented effort to protect the vote. Democrats are transparent about their goals: raising taxes, eliminating oil and natural gas, packing the Supreme Court, and giving themselves every opportunity to sue their way to victory in the election now underway. Republicans […]

Posted inNational News

Trump vows ‘comeback’ in campaign’s closing message, claims Biden will ‘lock down your state’

By Morgan Phillips | Fox News President Trump told supporters in Michigan that Joe Biden would “eradicate the economy” while he would “eradicate the virus.” Presidential competitors are both crisscrossing the Midwest on Friday in a last-ditch battle for votes. President Trump slammed Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Waltz and “far-left” Attorney General Keith Ellison at a rally in Rochester, Minn., […]

Posted inOpinion

Gutfeld on Trump’s rallies and Biden’s seclusion

By Greg Gutfeld | Fox News Driving through Pennsylvania this weekend, I saw no signs of Biden. But I saw Biden signs. Now, I gotta say, Biden’s working his ass off here in this video… As the election approaches, we’re watching two competing magic acts. While Trump is in three places at once, the Dems give us an invisible Joe! He’s laying low, saying very […]

Posted inNational News

Trump slams Biden for floating Supreme Court changes, warns he will nominate ‘radical left’ judges if elected

By Brooke Singman | Fox News Biden has not released a list of potential Supreme Court nominees. President Trump on Tuesday said that allies of his Democratic rival Joe Biden “want to expand” the Supreme Court, while slamming the former vice president for not releasing a list of potential judicial nominees, and warning that he “must have a list” of […]

Posted inNational News

Clawing back votes: 7 states allow voters to resubmit ballots

By Ronn Blitzer, Audrey Conklin | Fox News Several states have already reached more than 60% of their 2016 voter turnout. Many Americans are voting early in the 2020 presidential election amid concerns regarding the coronavirus pandemic and U.S. Postal Service timing. More than 59 million total ballots cast as of Monday morning suggested a record turnout for this year’s race compared to the 47.2 million […]

Posted inNational News

Biden says in video he has created ‘voter fraud organization’

By Evie Fordham | Fox News Democratic nominee Joe Biden said his team has created “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” in a recent video. “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” Biden said in the video. PENNSYLVANIA AG […]

Posted inNational News

NY Post endorses Trump: ‘Make America great again, again’ and ‘tick off’ Hollywood with reelection

By Brian Flood | Fox News ‘We can put annus horribilis, 2020, behind us and make America great again, again,’ the Post wrote. The New York Post endorsed President Trump for reelection on Monday, declaring that he’s the right man to “make America great again, again” and a victory over Democratic nominee Joe Biden would also provide some entertainment by annoying Hollywood.  […]