Posted inNational News

Trump tours site of Kenosha riots, promises to help businesses rebuild

By Adam Shaw | Fox News ‘We’re going to help people rebuild their businesses in Kenosha.’ President Trump on Tuesday got an up-close look at the damage caused by recent riots and looting in Kenosha, Wis. — touring property damaged by the violence and promising to help devastated businesses rebuild. “We’re going to get it fixed up, we’re going to […]

Posted inNational Security & Defense

DHS: Portland mayor must ‘prioritize public safety’ or feds will have ‘no choice but to protect’ Americans

By Jake Gibson | Fox News Acting Secretary Chad Wolf accused the mayor of standing by ‘passively’ during months of riots. Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf has sent a letter to Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, urging the Democrat to request federal assistance for his city after months of riots. “I urge you to prioritize public safety and to request federal assistance […]

Posted inNational News

Trump to visit riot-hit Kenosha, after promising ‘no tolerance’ for violence

By Adam Shaw | Fox News ‘Anyone who breaks the law should be arrested, prosecuted and punished,’ Trump said. President Trump on Tuesday will travel to Kenosha, Wis., where he will visit the sites of riots and looting that plagued the city after the shooting of Jacob Blake earlier this month — promising “no tolerance” for anarchy and violence. Trump’s […]

Posted inEconomy

Over 40 states preparing to pay out Trump’s $300 unemployment aid boost

By Megan Henney FOXBusiness Arizona, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Tennessee and Texas are the only states to have started paying claims this month. More than three weeks after President Trump signed an executive action partially restoring boosted unemployment aid, 41 states have signed up to pay out the $300-a-week federal portion of the sweetened aid. President Trump signed an executive […]

Posted inNational News

Trump unloads on Biden, ‘left-wing political violence’ in ‘Democrat-run cities’ ahead of Kenosha trip

By Andrew O’Reilly | Fox News ‘The violence is fueled by the rhetoric of far-left politicians,’ Trump said during a press briefing. Ahead of his trip to Wisconsin, President Trump tore into Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and other Democrats, accusing them of stoking “left-wing political violence” in cities across the nation. Repeating claims made during last week’s […]

Posted inNational News

Trump blasts Portland leaders as ‘terrible,’ ‘incompetent’ after latest violence, says residents ‘tired of it’

By Charles Creitz | Fox News Trump tells Laura Ingraham in exclusive interview that ‘Democrats have lost control of the radical left’. President Trump told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham in an exclusive interview airing Monday night that if he wasn’t president, “you would have riots like you’ve never seen” in response to Joe Biden’s assertion that rioting and violence in […]

Posted inNational News

Biden condemns rioting, blasts Trump’s response in fiery post-convention speech

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News Dueling speeches this week by Biden and Trump over the racial unrest. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden took a sledgehammer to President Trump’s emphasis on law and order amid a summer of protests and violence in many American cities, asking voters “does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is […]

Posted inNational News

Massachusetts activates 1,000 National Guard troops amid protests

By Audrey Conklin | Fox News The reason behind the activation remains unclear. One-thousand National Guard members have been activated amid the coronavirus pandemic and national protests. The Boston Herald reported that Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker’s order was a reaction to Jacob Blake’s shooting, though a statement from the governor’s office doesn’t indicate a specific reason. “National Guard personnel are deployed only at the request of, and […]

Posted inNational Security & Defense

Trump vows ‘security’ as he accepts GOP nomination, warns Biden would end ‘American greatness’

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News Trump claims ‘no one will be safe in Biden’s America’ Arguing “no one will be safe in Biden’s America,” President Trump took aim at rival Joe Biden and painted a clear contrast between himself and the Democratic presidential nominee as he gave arguably the most important speech of his 2020 reelection campaign. Delivering his GOP renomination acceptance speech […]

Posted inOpinion

Liz Peek: Trump makes riveting case for reelection, shows America what it is in for if Biden wins

By Liz Peek | Fox News Republicans made a convincing case that voters have a very clear choice in November. If the point of a political convention is to get your party’s message out, win over voters and boost your candidate’s prospects, then make no mistake about the 2020 conventions, Republicans absolutely buried Democrats. The polling tells us so. Joe Biden got […]

Posted inNational News

Elise Stefanik: Biden speaking out on violence after months of silence is ‘too little too late’

By Joshua Nelson | Fox News ‘This is going to become one of the key deciding issues as people head to the polls this November,’ she said. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden finally speaking against rioting is not enough, said Rep. Elisa Stefanik, R-N.Y., on Thursday. “It’s too little too late, he has been silent for two and a half months,” […]