Trump blasts Portland leaders as 'terrible,' 'incompetent' after latest violence, says residents 'tired of it'
Trump blasts Portland leaders as 'terrible,' 'incompetent' after latest violence, says residents 'tired of it'

By Charles Creitz | Fox News

Trump tells Laura Ingraham in exclusive interview that ‘Democrats have lost control of the radical left’.

President Trump told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham in an exclusive interview airing Monday night that if he wasn’t president, “you would have riots like you’ve never seen” in response to Joe Biden’s assertion that rioting and violence in cities across America is a hallmark of “Donald Trump’s America.”

“So if it weren’t ‘Donald Trump’s America,’ to just use the expression, as I’m president, you would have riots like you’ve never seen. The Democrats have lost control of the radical left …” Trump said in the interview, which airs at 10 p.m. ET. “Don’t forget, Biden wasn’t going to come out of his basement until the election. Now, he had to because the polls are so good for me. Now, he had to because the polls are different.”

The president also slammed Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler as “incompetent” after the Democrat blamed Trump for the violent confrontation that led to the killing of a Patriot Prayer supporter in the Oregon city over the weekend.

“Well, these are terrible and very incompetent people … I’ve offered to send in the National Guard. I’ve offered to send in anybody they want,” Trump said.

“I could put that [unrest] out in 45 minutes and it would stop. And I think the people of Portland and the people of Oregon, I know it’s a liberal state — considered liberal — they’re tired of it. They’re tired of having of living with this curse.”


The president added that he does not want his supporters to get involved in confrontations with left-wing protesters, but would rather they “leave it to law enforcement.

“But my supporters are wonderful, hardworking, tremendous people,” Trump added. “And they turn on the television set and they look at a Portland or they look at a Kenosha before I got involved and stopped it.”

Trump also responded to Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Tony Evers, who called on the president to scrap his planned trip to Kenosha to inspect the damage from rioting that followed the Aug. 23 police shooting of Jacob Blake.


“[I’m going] because I am a tremendous fan of law enforcement and I want to thank the law enforcement. They’ve done a good job,” he said. “And when the governor says that I shouldn’t come or he’d prefer that I not come. I’m the one that called him and said, ‘Tony, you got to bring out the National Guard.’ [And he said] ‘Well, I don’t really want to do it.”

Turning to the coronavirus pandemic, Ingraham asked Trump, “If you had to do it all again, would you put [Dr. Anthony] Fauci front and center every day in charge of the [White House] coronavirus task force?

“I disagree with a lot of what he said,” Trump answered. “He said keep [travel] open for China. That was a big mistake. And he admits it.

“I just, I get along with him, but every once in a while he’ll come up with one that I say, ‘Where did that come from?’ I inherited him. He was here. He was part of this huge piece of [the] machine.”

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