Posted inNational News

Kellyanne Conway says US should prioritize schools over bars in coronavirus plans

By Tyler Olson | Fox News ‘We need to have priorities in our states’ Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway, on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday, seemed to back states that are rolling back their coronavirus reopenings as cases surge –­ in some places threatening hospital capacity –­ and supported general safety measures, like masks, advocated by public health experts. The comments from Conway, one of President […]

Posted inOpinion

Democrats can save our party – by voting Republican

By Bob Just I’m glad legendary talk-show host Barry Farber didn’t live to see leftist/anarchist mobs defacing or tearing down statues of men like Washington and Lincoln. I’m glad he missed seeing feckless state and local officials passively accepting these actions, or even approving them. Farber died last month after many decades on the air […]

Posted inNational News

Missouri Democratic mayor accused of intimidating defund police protesters after reading names, partial addresses on livestream

By Danielle Wallace | Fox News St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson is accused of intimidating protesters after reading their names, partial addresses aloud on Facebook Live. St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson has apologized after reading the names and partial addresses of at least 10 protesters calling to defund the police during a Facebook Live briefing on coronavirus. Those calling for her resignation accused the […]

Posted inNational News

Trump signs executive order to protect American monuments, memorials and statues

By Morgan Phillips | Fox News Historic monuments and statues have become the targets of anger and vandalism during protests. President Trump announced Friday that he signed an executive order to protect American monuments, memorials and statues and threatened those who try to pull them down with “long prison time.” “I just had the privilege of signing a […]

Posted inNational News

Officers clear protesters from outside White House, as ‘Defund the Police’ graffiti removed

By Gillian Turner, Brooke Singman | Fox News Law enforcement officers cleared protesters Tuesday from outside the White House following a clash the night before, pushing them beyond a space known as “Black Lives Matter Plaza” in the latest apparent effort to crack down on demonstrations steps from the president’s residence. “Defund the Police” street graffiti was also removed from the […]

Posted inNational News

Mainstream media downplays ‘insanity in Seattle’ as critics point out bias, hypocrisy

By Brian Flood | Fox News Seattle protesters have declared a six-block area abandoned by law enforcement as “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” but the mainstream media doesn’t seem to think the lawlessness is particularly newsworthy. CNN only mentioned “Seattle” once on Wednesday when discussing general unrest in major cities, according to a search of transcripts, while MSNBC didn’t cover Seattle […]

Posted inWorld

Rome archbishop urges Trump to fight ‘deep state’ amid criticism over protests, coronavirus

By Caleb Parke | Fox News A Catholic archbishop said the “deep state” is “fiercely waging war against” President Trump amid the coronavirus pandemic and riots following the death of George Floyd. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano of Rome urged Trump on Sunday to fight against the so-called “deep state,” mainstream media, and the “deep church” in an open letter shared by LifeSiteNews. PASTOR CALLS FOR END TO RIOTS, SAYS CHURCH IS ANSWER TO […]

Posted inNational News

‘Defund the police’ wrests support from politicians coast-to-coast – and steamrolls holdouts

By Tyler Olson | Fox News In the wake of George Floyd’s death, calls to “defund the police” have in a matter of days escalated from a fringe campaign to a celebrity-backed cause to part of the municipal mainstream — and now appear primed to spur official action, to varying degrees, in cities across the country. The stunning momentum behind the movement has fueled Republican […]

Posted inNational News

George Floyd riots — how to stop the mob in 9 steps

By Newt Gingrich | Fox News Six nights of violent riots and looting in America’s major cities, following the horrific death of George Floyd last week, have gripped the nation. The liberal news media wants to ignore the depth of the violence and the forces causing the violence. They want to simply rerun their permanent refrain that this is all about racism (see […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Judge’s lawyers hint at ‘reason to question’ DOJ’s motives in new Michael Flynn case filing; DOJ fires back

By Gregg Re | Fox News Washington, D.C. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan’s lawyers issued an exceedingly rare response on his behalf to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday, explaining that the judge hadn’t dismissed the case against former national security advisor Michael Flynn — as requested by both federal prosecutors and Flynn’s lawyers after a mountain of exculpatory information surfaced — […]

Posted inNational News

What is Antifa, the far-left group tied to violent protests?

By Gregg Re | Fox News Antifa, the far-left militant movement that calls itself “antifascist,” has no defined organizational hierarchy or membership process. The collection of autonomous Antifa groups in mostly left-wing cities sees itself as a descendant of the European anti-Nazi movements, and generally agree that the best way to combat ideas they find odious is not through speech or […]