Posted inCongress

Justice Roberts blocks Sen. Paul from naming whistleblower, source says – and Paul may force the issue

By Gregg Re | Fox News Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts blocked Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul from posing a question during the Senate impeachment trial Wednesday that would have named the alleged whistleblower at the center of the case, Fox News is told — and Paul may try to force the issue during the question-and-answer session that begins Thursday […]

Posted inCongress

‘GAME OVER,’ Trump declares, as old Bolton, Schiff videos surface amid Senate impeachment trial

By Gregg Re | Fox News A string of newly resurfaced video clips of former national security adviser John Bolton spurred President Trump and his supporters Wednesday to highlight what they described as serious credibility questions — raised by both Democrats and Republicans — amid the Senate impeachment trial, as the president tweeted, “GAME OVER!” In his tweet, Trump linked to […]

Posted inSupreme Court

Justice Gorsuch: Nationwide Injunctions Raise ‘Serious Questions’ Over Scope of Courts’ Powers

By Janita Kan Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch has issued a sharp critique of the growing practice of federal judges ruling beyond the scope of a particular case, in some court orders known as nationwide injunctions. On Monday, the top court voted 5-4 to lift a pair of nationwide injunctions that blocked the Trump administration […]

Posted inCongress

Rep. Collins predicts bipartisan vote to acquit Trump in impeachment trial

By Tyler Olson | Fox News Republican Georgia Rep. Doug Collins, one of the numerous House members on President Trump’s legal defense team, predicted Wednesday that the Senate will vote on a bipartisan basis to acquit the president following his impeachment trial. Politico reported on Tuesday that Democrats were apparently divided over whether to remove Trump from office on the charges of obstruction of […]

Posted inCongress

White House told Bolton to remove classified material from manuscript before publication

By John Roberts, Alex Pappas | Fox News The White House has told former national security adviser John Bolton not to publish his upcoming tell-all about his time in the Trump administration until classified material is removed from the manuscript. “Under federal law and the nondisclosure agreements your client signed as a condition for gaining access to classified information, the manuscript may […]

Posted inCongress

Mark Levin tweets ask waffling GOP senators why ‘disgruntled’ John Bolton should testify

By Charles Creitz | Fox News “Life, Liberty & Levin” host Mark Levin demanded answers from three Republican senators Tuesday after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told members of his caucus that he doesn’t yet have enough votes to block the calling of witnesses — like ex-National Security Adviser John Bolton — in President Trump’s impeachment trial. Levin, a syndicated […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Justice Department Takes Action Against Telecom Carriers Over Robocalls

By Janita Kan DOJ officials said in a press release that they had filed civil actions for temporary restraining orders in two separate cases to block five companies and three individuals from making further calls. The officials accused the defendants of being responsible for carrying hundreds of millions of robocalls leading to significant financial losses to elderly […]

Posted inNational News

Trump’s Attorneys Argue House Subpoenas for Financial Records May Not Be Used to Engage in Law Enforcement

By Janita Kan President Donald Trump’s attorneys urged the Supreme Court to block several subpoenas that would give the House and a New York investigation access to the president’s financial records in significant cases dealing with separation of power and absolute immunity concerns that will be heard later this year. The president’s legal team filed briefs […]

Posted inCongress

McConnell says GOP lacks votes to block impeachment witnesses, as Bolton book disrupts trial script

By Marisa Schultz | Fox News The White House’s plans for a speedy impeachment trial were thrown into doubt Tuesday with Senate Republicans on Tuesday floating competing proposals on how to deal with new explosive revelations from ex-national security adviser John Bolton — and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell telling Republicans he doesn’t have enough votes to block the calling of impeachment witnesses. […]

Posted inCongress

Impeachment isn’t ‘a game of leaks,’ Sekulow argues | Trump impeachment trial

By PBS NewsHour Impeachment “is not a game of leaks and unsourced manuscripts,” President Donald Trump’s lawyer Jay Sekulow said during the final day of the defense’s opening arguments in the Senate impeachment trial. Sekulow’s comments referred to a New York Times report this week that former national security adviser John Bolton’s upcoming book indicates […]