Posted inCongress

Republican Senators Say Democrats’ $3 Trillion Virus Package ‘Dead on Arrival’

BY ZACHARY STIEBER Republican senators quickly rejected the $3 trillion package House Democrats unveiled on Tuesday. “It’s got so much unrelated to the coronavirus, it’s dead on arrival here in terms of a viable idea,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told reporters on Capitol Hill. Republicans control the Senate, making their support necessary for legislation to get passed. The package from the […]

Posted inNational News

Feds spent nearly $100B on pandemic readiness, health security in decade leading up to coronavirus crisis

By Tyler Olson | Fox News Over the past decade, the U.S. government spent nearly $100 billion on preparation for major health crises including pandemics, according to a 2018 paper on such funding — though the coronavirus outbreak still had Washington and states across the country scrambling to muster supplies and respond when it hit. Numbers from a paper in the academic journal “Health Security” released in […]

Posted inNational News

Doctor flying with United Airlines shares photo of packed flight, says passengers were ‘scared,’ ‘shocked’

By Michael Bartiromo | Fox News Well, this looks cozy. A cardiologist from San Francisco says he won’t be “flying again for a very long time” after every seat on his Saturday flight was full — despite allegedly receiving a previous message from United Airlines assuring him that middle seats would be blocked off to aid with social-distancing precautions amid the coronavirus health crisis. FRONTIER […]

Posted inOpinion

Coronavirus reopening – Democrats resist, Americans persist. Here’s why

By Liz Peek | Fox News Can you feel it? Can you feel the pace quickening? More cars on the road, more people in the stores, more ads crowding your inbox? Activity is picking up, even in my state of New York, where we’re still under lockdown. It’s palpable; Americans everywhere are going back to work. Democrats don’t like that one little bit. The worse […]

Posted inEconomy

Coronavirus lockdowns: Unrest growing in few remaining states that won’t give firm reopening date

By Greg Norman | Fox News Unrest is growing Friday in the American states that have become the last holdouts in terms of announcing dates when their economies will start reopening during the coronavirus outbreak. As the virus continues its deadly and unpredictable spread across the U.S., the economic losses are piling up as well, with more than 33 million Americans seeking jobless aid since the closures began. The overwhelming majority of states have […]

Posted inNational News

Kayleigh McEnany calls out CNN for having guests who pushed Russia collusion, following transcript revelations

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany responded to CNN’s reporting on her past rhetoric about President Trump by turning the tables on the liberal network, slamming the outlet for allowing guests to push the Russia collusion narrative after newly-released transcripts from Congressional hearings showed there was no evidence of such collusion. McEnany, a former CNN commentator, has […]

Posted inNational News

Ex-Obama official, in released transcript, admits she didn’t know about Trump-Russia collusion despite prior claims

By Tyler Olson | Fox News Evelyn Farkas, a former Obama administration official who previously encouraged congressional staffers to gather evidence of alleged collusion between President Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russia and said she “knew” there was additional such information out there, admitted she did not know such information existed in a 2017 interview with congressional investigators. Transcripts from dozens of such interviews were released Thursday by the […]

Posted inNational News

‘Basic error’ on coronavirus stories reveal media’s true goals

By Brian Flood | Fox News FiveThirtyEight editor Nate Silver said the mainstream media is not giving proper context to stories on the rise of coronavirus cases, which he calls a “basic error” that reveals an agenda to prioritize narratives that “sound smart” over accuracy and truth. Silver was bothered that certain stories failed to mention that some growth in the coronavirus […]

Posted inOpinion

Biden the albatross — this is why Democrats are worried about their apparent nominee

By Victor Davis Hanson | Tribune Media Services Joe Biden is the apparent Democratic presidential nominee. After all, he had a seemingly insurmountable lead in delegates going into the rescheduled August convention in the postponed Democratic primary race. Biden was winning the nomination largely because he was not the socialist Bernie Sanders, who terrified the Democratic establishment. Biden was […]

Posted inEconomy

Why farmers dump food and crops while grocery stores run dry and Americans struggle

By Hollie McKay | Fox News As the coronavirus pandemic continues to wage a silent war across the country, American farmers are being forced to pour out milk, crush eggs, toss fresh fruits and vegetables, euthanize livestock and plow under perfectly robust crops. Meanwhile, financially beleaguered Americans are lining up at food banks in unprecedented numbers, humanitarian leaders fear […]