Posted inHealthcare

Maine Doctor Ordered to Undergo Psych Evaluation for Prescribing Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine

By Alice Giordano Dr. Meryl Nass was hailed a hero by veterans for helping them expose the connection between the military’s mandatory anthrax vaccine and the serious illnesses they were experiencing. The 70-year old Maine internist has given Congressional testimonies in four states on vaccine efficacies, deciphered scientific studies for courts, and served as an international national […]

Posted inHealthcare

Fired Pharmaceutical Workers Explain Why They Didn’t Get COVID-19 Shots

By Beth Brelji A major pharmaceutical company this week fired many employees who refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Syneos Health is a global pharmaceutical outsourcing company with some 28,000 employees in more than 110 countries. It contracts with bigger pharmaceutical companies including COVID-19 vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson/Janssen. While J & J employs pharmaceutical […]

Posted inNational News

DeSantis strikes against Biden immigration policy with amended lawsuit

By Heather Hamilton, Social Media Reporter Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Attorney General Ashley Moody filed an amended complaint saying the Biden administration’s latest immigration policy is unlawful. The new policy, called “Parole + Alternatives to Detention,” releases illegal immigrants within the borders of the United States without starting a legal process for removal. The complaint states that federal immigration officials are assisting migrants […]

Posted inNational News

The Escalating Nationwide Battle Over Private Millions to Bankroll Public Elections

By Real Clear Investigations Democrats across the country are pushing to continue allowing private money to fund public elections as Republicans try to limit the practice, which they say gave Joe Biden an unfair and perhaps decisive advantage in his victory over Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential contest. So far at least 10 Republican-controlled states […]

Posted inNational News

Fact-checker busts Biden and Harris as they demand death of filibuster

By Bob Unruh Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are campaigning right now for the Senate to kill its longstanding filibuster rule that essentially requires at least a small level of participation from the minority party for legislation to move forward. And they have been caught using “hyperbole.” Or as the Washington Examiner characterized them, “false or misleading […]

Posted inNational News

Much of Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Large Private Employers Takes Effect Despite Ongoing Supreme Court Battle

By Katabella Roberts Much of the Biden administration’s vaccination mandate pertaining to large private employers went into effect Monday, despite the rule facing legal challenges in the Supreme Court, leaving some businesses unsure as to how to proceed. As of Jan. 10, businesses with 100 or more employees were required to ensure that all employees have been fully vaccinated with either […]

Posted inNational News

Supplies Still Limited More Than a Year After Monoclonal Antibodies Authorized for Treating COVID-19

By Meiling Lee Despite being the only authorized outpatient medical therapy for preventing the worsening of COVID-19 symptoms in high-risk patients, there remains no steady supply of monoclonal antibodies from the federal government a year after its approval for use by medical regulators. Rolled out in the same month as the COVID-19 vaccines, monoclonal antibody therapies have […]

Posted inNational News

Report Puts Fauci’s Retirement at $350K Per Year, Biggest in US Government Pension History

By Mark Tapscott Dr. Anthony Fauci has been on the federal payroll for 55 years and he currently has no plans to retire, but when he does, a new analysis of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases director’s records shows he will get the largest pension in U.S. government history. “Our auditors at estimate Dr. Fauci’s […]