Posted inNational News

Mail-In Ballots in Pennsylvania Not Registered in State Data, Hundreds of Voters Say

By Petr Svab More than 400 Republican voters in Pennsylvania say they requested mail-in ballots and returned them to vote, but the state absentee voting data say the ballots weren’t returned, according to a fraud detection team that contacted the voters. And more than 500 voters said they received mail-in ballots despite not requesting them, according to the team. […]

Posted inOpinion

Georgia Recount Must Include a Signature Check

By Stephen B. Meister Commentary All eyes are now focused on Georgia—in the process of a recount—as the Peach State may end up determining the presidency. Treating Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada, as under dispute—i.e., not calling these states, a responsible approach The Epoch Times, unlike other media outlets, has followed—President Donald Trump has now […]

Posted inNational News

Q&A for State Legislators and Citizens—The Constitution and How to Settle the Election

By Robert G. Natelson Commentary Irregularities in the presidential election returns of six states have sparked the question “What next?” The states are Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Should their state legislatures intervene? Confusing the issue are media and other claims that are dead wrong. This column corrects the mistakes and clarifies duties […]

Posted inNational News

The law is clear: If an election is stolen, state legislatures can restore the will of the people

By Distributed News – News Editors President Trump and his team are under a relentless media blitz campaign which has only one goal: Pressuring the president to concede the election and stop asking questions about suspicious behavior in decisive states. Thuggish CNN anchor Jake Tapper is openly proposing that those who question the election result […]

Posted inNational News

Bill Gates hired BLM “students” to count ballots in battleground states

By Ethan H To ensure that Joe Biden “won” most of the key battleground states, Bill Gates and others in positions of influence replaced veteran poll workers with “young black students,” also known as Black Lives Matter (BLM) terrorists, who committed election fraud for pay. According to reports, Gates and his cohorts scared the veteran poll workers […]

Posted inNational News

Election Data Team to Call 1.25 Million Voters Over Anomalies in 6 Contested States

By Charlotte Cuthbertson WASHINGTON—The former data and strategy director for President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign has canceled his vacation plans to comb through election data for voter fraud. Matt Braynard and his wife had planned to be in the Dominican Republic, but “right now, this is where I’m needed,” he said on YouTube on Nov. 8. […]

Posted inNational News

Trump Adds Sidney Powell to Election Legal Effort

BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV President Donald Trump on Saturday night announced the addition of Sidney Powell to his campaign’s election legal team. Powell gained the national spotlight when she took over as the defense attorney representing former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. The president also said Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing, and Jenna Ellis have joined the legal team led by his […]

Posted inNational News

Arizona Judge Rules to Protect Identifying Information in Lawsuit Over Rejected Votes

By Mimi Nguyen Ly An Arizona Superior Court Judge has ruled to keep evidence provided by the Trump campaign unsealed in a lawsuit over rejected votes in Maricopa County, while agreeing to redact any identifying information. Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Daniel Kiley ruled late Tuesday to keep the case records unsealed, but would allow attorneys to redact Social Security numbers, birthdays, […]

Posted inNational News

McEnany Announces 234 Pages of Affidavits Alleging Election Irregularities in Michigan

By Mimi Nguyen Ly White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany late Tuesday announced 234 pages of what she said were sworn affidavits alleging election irregularities in a county in Michigan. McEnany appeared alongside Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel on Fox News’ “Hannity,” where she shared several allegations listed in the affidavits—statements made under penalty of perjury—from Wayne County. “We […]