Posted inDepartment of Justice

Justice Department OKs armed officers investigating fraud at ballot-counting sites

By Vandana Rambaran | Fox News Possible presence of federal agents leaves some Trump critics even more concerned his administration is resorting to intimidation tactics. The Justice Department has greenlighted the use of armed agents to investigate potential voter fraud at ballot-counting centers despite a U.S. law barring the presence of federal officers on Election Day.  Officials at the agency, led […]

Posted inCongress

House of cards? Pelosi to have a hard time becoming speaker, GOP officials say

By Marisa Schultz | Fox News Democrats will have a slimmer majority in 2021. Republican leaders, gloating at flipping several House seats, took jabs at Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Wednesday for her shrinking majority and cast doubt on her ability to win enough votes to become House speaker again. “I mean Nancy Pelosi doesn’t even have a majority where she can […]

Posted inNational News

Was my vote counted? A state-by-state guide to tracking your absentee ballot

By Audrey Conklin | Fox News Many states offer online ballot tracking systems, others require contacting election officials. Voting by mail has been extremely popular among Americans participating in the 2020 presidential election this year. More than 64 million absentee ballots have been cast as of Tuesday out of more than 100 million total votes in the U.S., and more than […]

Posted inNational News

Election Day: With polls closing in hours, stakes for Trump, Biden reach their peak

By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News Trump predicts economic depression if Biden wins, while Biden says Trump is ‘a threat to this nation’. The day has arrived for Americans across the country to have their voices heard, as they vote for president and vice president of the United States while anxiously awaiting the culmination of a year and a half of feverish […]

Posted inNational News

What to know on Election Day 2020: Culmination of the battle for the White House

By Tyler Olson | Fox News Election Day Guide: Battleground state watch list, key races, poll closing times and when to expect a winner. Americans on Tuesday are casting their votes in a presidential election as they have every four years since 1788. Voters are casting their ballots nationwide Tuesday to choose whether the next president of the United States will […]

Posted inOpinion

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel: Republicans fighting Democratic attempts to steal election victory

By Ronna McDaniel | Fox News The Republican National Committee has invested over $20 million and launched an unprecedented effort to protect the vote. Democrats are transparent about their goals: raising taxes, eliminating oil and natural gas, packing the Supreme Court, and giving themselves every opportunity to sue their way to victory in the election now underway. Republicans […]

Posted inNational News

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette endorses Trump for handling of economy; first GOP presidential endorsement since 1972

By Lucas Manfredi FOXBusiness The newspaper said Joe Biden is ‘too old’ and ‘fragile’ to handle the job as president. The editorial board of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette announced its endorsement of President Trump, praising the commander in chief’s record on the economy and China. FOX NEWS POLL: MAJORITY TRUSTS BIDEN ON COVID, HALF SAY VIRUS IS OUT OF […]

Posted inNational News

Trump tells Pennsylvania crowd he just signed executive order to protect fracking

By Morgan Phillips, Adam Shaw | Fox News Trump will warn of ‘corrupt forces’ seeking to elect Biden. President Trump capitalized on his opponent’s wish to “transition” away from the oil industry in Reading, Pa., telling supporters Democratic nominee Joe Biden would “abolish” fracking.  He said the former vice president had flip-flopped on fracking, a major industry in […]

Posted inNational News

Democrats turning out at lower rates than Republicans in Miami

By Vandana Rambaran | Fox News Democrats are turning out at lower rates than Republicans in Florida’s largest county, Miami-Dade, after Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s campaign pared down field operations because of the coronavirus pandemic.  ELECTION 4 DAYS AWAY: TRUMP, BIDEN BLITZ BATTLEGROUND STATES IN FINAL CAMPAIGN SPRINT Campaign operatives told Politico that door-to-door efforts to persuade voters to jump on the Biden bandwagon were […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

FBI, DOJ announce indictment against 8 Chinese operatives

By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News Feds have arrested 5 suspects accused of harassing a NJ resident on behalf of the Chinese government. FBI Director Christopher Wray and Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers announced an indictment of eight Chinese operatives accused of taking part in a widespread campaign to intimidate and coerce dissidents around the world that have reached […]

Posted inNational News

Clawing back votes: 7 states allow voters to resubmit ballots

By Ronn Blitzer, Audrey Conklin | Fox News Several states have already reached more than 60% of their 2016 voter turnout. Many Americans are voting early in the 2020 presidential election amid concerns regarding the coronavirus pandemic and U.S. Postal Service timing. More than 59 million total ballots cast as of Monday morning suggested a record turnout for this year’s race compared to the 47.2 million […]