Posted inNational News

Election Data Team to Call 1.25 Million Voters Over Anomalies in 6 Contested States

By Charlotte Cuthbertson WASHINGTON—The former data and strategy director for President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign has canceled his vacation plans to comb through election data for voter fraud. Matt Braynard and his wife had planned to be in the Dominican Republic, but “right now, this is where I’m needed,” he said on YouTube on Nov. 8. […]

Posted inNational News

Trump Adds Sidney Powell to Election Legal Effort

BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV President Donald Trump on Saturday night announced the addition of Sidney Powell to his campaign’s election legal team. Powell gained the national spotlight when she took over as the defense attorney representing former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. The president also said Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing, and Jenna Ellis have joined the legal team led by his […]

Posted inNational News

Trump Drives by Supporters Showing Up for ‘Million MAGA March’

By Zachary Stieber President Donald Trump on Saturday drove by supporters who were in Washington for a pro-Trump march that organizers predicted would draw thousands. Trump exited the White House at 10 a.m. before getting inside the presidential limousine. The motorcade then passed by some of the president’s supporters on Pennsylvania Avenue. The crowd, already in the hundreds, […]

Posted inNational News

Massive Crowds of People March in DC to Show Support for Trump, Demand Election Integrity

BY OMID GHOREISHI AND EMEL AKAN WASHINGTON—Tens of thousands of people converged at Freedom Plaza in Washington on Saturday, joining other rallies around the country to show support for President Donald Trump and ask for fairness in the election process. Marching towards the Supreme Court, participants held signs that read “Stop the Steal,” “Make America Fair Again,” and “Trump 2020.” […]

Posted inJudicial Watch

Joe Biden is not ‘president-elect’

By Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch Changing vote counts after Election Day raises significant legal and constitutional concerns, and President Trump should use every legal and constitutional remedy to ensure that the American people can trust the results. Meanwhile, the media, including social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, are inaccurately labeling Biden as president-elect. No […]

Posted inNational News

Arizona Judge Rules to Protect Identifying Information in Lawsuit Over Rejected Votes

By Mimi Nguyen Ly An Arizona Superior Court Judge has ruled to keep evidence provided by the Trump campaign unsealed in a lawsuit over rejected votes in Maricopa County, while agreeing to redact any identifying information. Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Daniel Kiley ruled late Tuesday to keep the case records unsealed, but would allow attorneys to redact Social Security numbers, birthdays, […]

Posted inNational News

McEnany Announces 234 Pages of Affidavits Alleging Election Irregularities in Michigan

By Mimi Nguyen Ly White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany late Tuesday announced 234 pages of what she said were sworn affidavits alleging election irregularities in a county in Michigan. McEnany appeared alongside Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel on Fox News’ “Hannity,” where she shared several allegations listed in the affidavits—statements made under penalty of perjury—from Wayne County. “We […]

Posted inNational News

Media Disgrace Themselves in Calling Election Still Being Contested

By Conrad Black The elaborate pretense being conducted that the U.S. presidential election has been decided resembles the exaggerated excitement of a juvenile team when a contested goal or touchdown has been scored. The side that claims to have scored, especially if it’s a game-winning or even championship-winning play, may have already uncorked champagne and carried the […]

Posted inNational News

Serious Questions Concerning the 2020 Election Must and Can Be Answered

By Jason D. Meister and Stephen B. Meister In our constitutional republic, the power of the government derives from the consent of the governed. The American people give that consent only once every four years on Election Day. If they have legitimate questions about the integrity of the election—and there is good cause to be gravely concerned about the integrity […]