Posted inEconomy

Is Now Still a Good Time to Buy Gold? Analysts Weigh In

By Enrico Trigoso More investors are turning to precious metals such as gold and silver as inflation, geopolitical tensions, and various risk factors poise to destabilize the dollar. Spartan Capital Securities’ chief market economist Peter Cardillo, a 50-year market analyst, said there are several aspects investors should include in their investment strategy. He emphasized the […]

Posted inNational News

RNC Suit Seeks Information About $2 Million ‘Zuckerbucks’ Grant in Georgia

By Austin Alonzo The Republican National Committee is filing suit to see if one of Georgia’s most populous counties illegally received private funding for its public election activities. On May 16, the RNC filed a one-count complaint against the DeKalb County Voter Registration and Elections Office, along with various county officials and related offices, in […]

Posted inNational News

Former Trump Official Seeking to Flip Democrat Senate Seat Announces ‘Deport Them All’ Plan for Illegal Immigration

By Tom Ozimek Jeff Gunter, a former Trump official who’s looking to flip a key U.S. Senate seat in Nevada from Democrat to Republican, has announced an initiative to help tackle the border crisis that involves a combination of bolstering border security and assisting with the mass deportation of illegal immigrants. “Build the Wall, Deport […]

Posted inNational News

RFK Jr. Cashes $2 Million Check From VP Pick

By Austin Alonzo Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. closed March with access to more than $23.6 million in cash, according to newly released federal disclosures. On April 20, Mr. Kennedy’s principal campaign committee, Team Kennedy, and an allied hybrid political action committee, American Values 2024, released their monthly reports with the Federal Election […]

Posted inNational News

Major DeSantis Donor Now Funding Trump

By Austin Alonso The Trump campaign is getting a cash boost from a donor who previously sent $20 million to a group backing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. On March 20, various committees associated with former President Donald Trump published their financial reports with the Federal Election Commission reflecting their February activities. The three organizations that […]

Posted inNational News

RFK Jr. Campaign Spent More Than It Earned In February: Filings

By Austin Alonzo Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. closed out February with access to more than $23.7 million on hand, according to his campaign’s Federal Election Commission filings. On March 20, both Mr. Kennedy’s principal campaign committee—Team Kennedy—and his allied hybrid political action committee filed their monthly statements covering February with the FEC. […]