Posted inWorld

3 American firefighters killed in C-130 crash while battling Australian wildfires

By Brie Stimson | Fox News Three American firefighters died in a water tanker plane crash Thursday while battling wildfires in Australia, New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian confirmed. Rural Fire Service officials said they had located the plane, a C-130 Hercules, that crashed in the Snowy Monaro region of New South Wales state. Coulson Aviation in Oregon said in a statement that one […]

Posted inOpinion

David Ditch: Uncle Sam is picking your pocket with high taxes – Democrats want to raise them even higher

By David Ditch | Fox News Some politicians running for federal office make it sound as if the biggest problem facing our country is that we don’t send enough of our paychecks to Washington, D.C. They propose increasing or creating new federal taxes on income, payrolls, business profits, carbon emissions, financial transactions, wealth, and more. Before they start trying to spend […]

Posted inCongress

Kevin McCarthy torches Dems’ impeachment push: Nadler is ‘inept’ and Schiff is a ‘liar’

By Joshua Nelson | Fox News House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on Monday torched House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, accusing him of lying throughout the impeachment inquiry process against President Trump. “Schiff dislikes this president so much, he will lie and lie and do anything to impeach this president,” McCarthy, R-Calif., told “Fox & Friends.” LINDSEY GRAHAM TORCHES SCHIFF OVER […]

Posted inNational News

Lindsey Graham torches Schiff over impeachment tactics: He ‘is doing a lot of damage to the country, and he needs to stop.’

By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., is preparing for a likely impeachment trial in the Senate, and he lambasted House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., for his actions in leading the inquiry into President Trump. Republicans have been criticizing Schiff for subpoenaing and releasing phone records of calls between the office of […]

Posted inOpinion

Peter Navarro: Trump Impeachment efforts are hitting Americans where it hurts — in their wallets

By Peter Navarro | Fox News The Democrats’ “Seinfeld impeachment” – it’s about nothing – has very real opportunity costs now being borne by the American people. These opportunity costs may be measured by what Congress is not doing because its legislative calendar is being devoured by impeachment. Consider, for example, the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement (USMCA). If House […]

Posted inImmigration

Trump administration delivers warning to liberal states moving to bar ICE from courthouses

By Adam Shaw | Fox News Attorney General Bill Barr and Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf are warning state supreme courts in Washington and Oregon that moves to stop federal immigration enforcement from making arrests in and around courthouses will create an “unacceptable risk” by letting illegal immigrants convicted of violent crimes loose in communities. “Regardless of how one […]

Posted inWorld

Powerful 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Near Coast of Chile

By Jack Phillips A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Chile on Sept. 29, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The tremor was centered some 83 miles west of Talca. A video posted online showed overhead lights inside an office swinging due to the tremor. Another video shot inside an airport showed lights swaying as travelers looked on. And another […]