Posted inNational News

DOJ, citing Hunter Biden story, Justice Thomas, supports changes to Section 230 in letter to Congress

By Tyler Olson | Fox News The law’s advocates defend it as important for free speech and job creation on the Internet. The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Tuesday sent a letter to congressional leaders advocating for changes to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a law passed about 25 years ago that prevents tech companies from being sued for user content […]

Posted inNational News

Clawing back votes: 7 states allow voters to resubmit ballots

By Ronn Blitzer, Audrey Conklin | Fox News Several states have already reached more than 60% of their 2016 voter turnout. Many Americans are voting early in the 2020 presidential election amid concerns regarding the coronavirus pandemic and U.S. Postal Service timing. More than 59 million total ballots cast as of Monday morning suggested a record turnout for this year’s race compared to the 47.2 million […]

Posted inNational News

NY Post endorses Trump: ‘Make America great again, again’ and ‘tick off’ Hollywood with reelection

By Brian Flood | Fox News ‘We can put annus horribilis, 2020, behind us and make America great again, again,’ the Post wrote. The New York Post endorsed President Trump for reelection on Monday, declaring that he’s the right man to “make America great again, again” and a victory over Democratic nominee Joe Biden would also provide some entertainment by annoying Hollywood.  […]

Posted inEconomy

Kudlow hits Biden over pledge to raise minimum pay: ‘You can’t mandate wages’

By Megan Henney FOXBusiness Kudlow applauded Trump for putting onus of minimum wage increases on states. White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow ripped Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden for pledging to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour, even as small businesses struggle to recover from the coronavirus pandemic. “You can’t socialize health care, and you can’t mandate wages […]

Posted inNational News

Final Trump-Biden presidential debate: Top 5 moments

By Tyler Olson | Fox News Hunter Biden story, exchanges on immigration and coronavirus among top moments. The final debate of the 2020 presidential election between President Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden involved heated but substantive exchanges between the bitter rivals on issues from the coronavirus to the economy. It also addressed the latest bombshell to rock the 2020 campaign: allegations that Biden was involved in the foreign business […]

Posted inNational News

At final presidential debate Biden offers stunning misunderstanding of how economy actually works

By Andy Puzder FOXBusiness Biden spouted a slew of fundamental inaccuracies on Thursday night. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden spent three days locked in his house this week, avoiding media scrutiny, in intense preparation… for that? It’s the question that begs to be answered after Thursday night’s final presidential debate in Nashville. You would think that with all that […]

Posted inNational News

Progressive journalist slams corporate media for ‘dangerous’ blackout of Hunter Biden scandal

By Brian Flood | Fox News ‘This is dangerous for the future of journalism,’ Jordan Chariton says. Progressive journalist Jordan Chariton slammed corporate media on Thursday for ignoring the ongoing scandal surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop in a scathing Twitter thread that blasted MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times and Washington Post for selective censorship. “The corporate media—and Twitter/FB—are still crickets as […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Harris, prominent Democrats listed as ‘key contacts’ for Biden family business venture projects

By Brooke Singman | Fox News Email is unrelated to the laptop or hard drive purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden. A list of “key domestic contacts” for a joint venture involving Jim and Hunter Biden and now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co. included former Vice President Joe Biden’s current running mate Sen. Kamala Harris, among other prominent Democrats, Fox News has learned. […]

Posted inNational News

Deposition transcripts of accused Epstein enabler released amid trial

By Stephanie Pagones | Fox News The depositions were taken as part of a lawsuit brought against Maxwell by Virginia Roberts Giuffre. More than 400 pages of deposition transcripts that had been sealed in the case involving Jeffrey Epstein’s ex-girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, were released on Thursday morning following a Tuesday court order. The documents were unsealed after U.S. District Judge Loretta […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Hunter Biden’s ex-partner, veteran confirms ‘genuine’ email, says former VP stood to profit from China deal

By Ronn Blitzer, John Roberts | Fox News Hunter Biden business partner calls email ‘genuine,’ says Hunter sought dad’s advice on deals. Tony Bobulinski said he does not believe Joe Biden’s claim that he did not discuss his son’s business dealings. Tony Bobulinski, who was listed as the recipient of an email published by the New York Post that appeared […]