Cancer Patient in ICU Revived From Deep Coma After Taking American Ginseng
Cancer Patient in ICU Revived From Deep Coma After Taking American Ginseng

By Dr. Jingduan Yang

The gold standard of American ginseng, also known as Panax quinquefolium, is native to Wisconsin. For working people under constant stress, soaking a small amount of it in water as a beverage can help relieve fatigue. American ginseng can also help treat cancer and other diseases. As a medicinal substance, it can work wonders and has even rescued patients at the threshold of death.

I hosted an interview on a social media platform with Dr. Jiang Mingtao, who grows American ginseng and is also focused on ginseng research and development. I also invited Ms. Anna, the mother of one of my patients, to the interview to talk about her experience of taking American ginseng alongside her daughter.

Strengthens Immunity and Fights Cancer

Jiang shared two cases of treating diseases with American ginseng. In one case, a child with leukemia suffered from a severe lung infection during hospitalization and fell into a deep coma. He was put in the intensive care unit (ICU) and was essentially pronounced dead. At this time, Jiang suggested boiling water with 30 grams (1.2 ounces) of American ginseng and feeding him through his nasal feeding tube. In the United States, American ginseng is regulated as food. The hospital authority agreed to the suggestion, as it had no other approach. Two weeks later, the child regained consciousness.

That was the second time this child was brought back to life with a Dushen (American ginseng) decoction. It is prepared by stewing a large amount of ginseng into a soup. It has the effect of replenishing vitality, the fundamental energy in the human body. Four years ago, this child also experienced near-brain death. His parents took him home from the hospital, where he was revived after four months of Dushen soup treatment.

The second case involved a Taiwanese patient suffering from terminal nonsmall cell lung cancer. After using American ginseng extract and ginsenoside injections five times, X-rays retaken showed the size of the tumor had shrunk significantly within a month.

A filling of sweet, sticky rice perfumed with ginseng, jujube, and garlic is stuffed inside a chicken. (Shutterstock)

Relieves Chronic Fatigue, Depression, and Anxiety

My patient Lily is a high school student. Because she was born prematurely, she’s had a less-than-normal health record since childhood. She gets tired easily and can hardly concentrate in class, so she cannot complete her studies and is plagued by symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Lily has tried various treatments, including traditional drugs, acupuncture, electrophysiology, and even nutrient therapy. Although these do achieve certain effects, they are still far from adequate. In her case, we used ginseng and Astragalus to boost her energy level, as she suffers from severe chronic fatigue. After a few months, Lily’s condition improved enormously. She can now go to school and travel far from home. She continues taking ginseng decoction and other nutrients and no longer needs Western medications.

When one is under stress, a series of endocrine reactions will occur, producing glucocorticoids to cope with emergencies and self-protection, but this also makes the body tired. If the stress lasts for a long time, it will cause chronic inflammation in the body and brain, symptoms of joint and muscle pain and headache, and metabolic disorders. People under chronic stress also produce more free radicals than usual, and the body needs superior antioxidants to balance them out.

Modern-day studies suggest that American ginseng can regulate endocrine functions such as the hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal, gonads, and thyroid, achieving anti-inflammatory and antioxidation effects and improved metabolism. At the same time, American ginseng can also improve brain function and mood.

Clinical studies also found that American ginseng can improve fatigue in cancer patients. A randomized, double-blind clinical trial published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute in 2013 found that after eight weeks of taking capsules of Wisconsin ginseng, cancer patients’ fatigue level was significantly improved compared to the placebo group, with no apparent side effects.

Improves Symptoms of Menopausal Syndrome

Ms. Anna, Lily’s mother, is about 50 and going through menopause. She has symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, insomnia, and irritability. She then ate American ginseng with Lily. After eating it for a while, her menopause symptoms were virtually under control, and she was pleasantly surprised.

How does American ginseng treat or improve menopause syndrome? Menopause is a symptom of a sharp drop in estrogen in women. Studies have found that American ginseng contains ginsenoside, which functions like estrogen. So it makes sense that these symptoms are significantly improved. The protection it seems to offer women also appears to be long-term.

From the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) perspective, American ginseng’s effect on human health by raising the energy level is tremendous. It can invigorate qi, nourish yin, and nourish blood. When it enters the liver and kidney meridian, it nourishes the energy of both organs. TCM believes that energy is divided into yin and yang. When kidney yin is deficient, menopausal syndrome will appear, while liver yin deficiency can easily lead to short temper and insomnia. American ginseng can improve both.

American Ginseng Is Not for Everyone

Although American ginseng has many benefits, it is not suitable for everyone. American ginseng is generally not used in children because they are still growing and developing unless merited by special circumstances. In addition, cancer patients who are sensitive to sex hormones, such as breast and ovarian cancer patients, should also avoid using it.

Some people must take it in moderation, as it can raise blood pressure if taken excessively. Some people should avoid it entirely. It is best to consult a TCM practitioner for the best dosage.

If your condition allows you to take American ginseng, as a good practice, it is enough to take a 1-gram (about 0.04 ounce) slice of American ginseng each day and soak it in hot water to drink. To treat depression, you can use 10 grams (0.4 ounce) of it to make a decoction and drink. For those with severe acute illness, double this to 20 grams (0.8 ounce) or more.

Overall, American ginseng is among the top-grade treatments in TCM, with negligible side effects, and thus can be used for a relatively long time. Still, one’s own health situation will determine dosage.

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