Trump knocks Pelosi, Schumer for 'blue-state bailout' amid coronavirus relief standstill
Trump knocks Pelosi, Schumer for 'blue-state bailout' amid coronavirus relief standstill

By Brittany De Lea FOXBusiness

Senate Democrats blocked an attempt by Republicans to push through a $500 billion relief provision.

President Trump went after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Wednesday, as Capitol Hill remained at a standstill over coronavirus relief provisions.

Trump accused Schumer, D-N.Y., and Pelosi, D-Calif., of wanting to bail out Democratic cities and states, as Democrats blocked a Republican-sponsored relief bill in the Senate.

Senate Democrats thwarted the attempt by Republicans in the chamber to push through a $500 billion relief package on Wednesday, which included funding for the Paycheck Protection Program and $300 in additional weekly unemployment pay.


The Trump administration has offered proposals with notably higher price tags that have been denied by Democrats. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin brought a $1.8 trillion proposal to Pelosi, who rejected it based on disagreements over spending priorities.

A senior administration official told Fox News’ John Roberts on Wednesday that it is unlikely additional coronavirus relief would be passed before the election. While the two sides may have ironed out a framework for an agreement, no common ground on details is expected to be reached within the next two weeks, the same source said.

On Tuesday, Pelosi said ongoing discussions had provided “clarity” and common ground, but those lingering disagreements would be put before committee chairs as the two sides sought a resolution.

Mnuchin and other administration officials have pointed specifically to funding for state and local governments, which has been a point of contention for months, as one main area of continued disagreement.

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