By Trish Regan FOXBusines
Trish Regan: ‘This was the impeachment that wasn’t, and the economy that is’
Democrats are so out of touch, they think Obama should get the credit.
FOX Business’ Trish Regan says the Democratic Party is divorced from reality and points to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s abrupt decision to tear up President Trump’s State of the Union address.
It’s a major victory for President Trump and for America. It’s a victory for our constitution, for our history and for our future.
The Democrats are now 0-4 in their quest to take down the president — Mueller, Kavanaugh, Ukraine accusations, and now, impeachment.
This was the impeachment that wasn’t and the economy that is. New numbers prove it.
For the first time in history, Gallup numbers show 59 percent of Americans believe they are better off financially than last year. This is a record — higher than it was under presidents Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama. It’s higher than it’s ever been. This number has soared under Trump.
And yet, the Democrats are so out of touch they are disputing who should get the credit.
John Harwood wrongfully claimed on CNN that President Obama led to this prosperity stating, “The economy has been growing since 6 months into Barack Obama’s presidency.”
My two cents? As an economic journalist who watched the Federal Reserve go out on a limb in an effort to combat Obama’s lousy economic policy, I can assure you: The economy today has nothing to do with Obama.
And it’s not just the economy these so-called “journalists” don’t understand. They fundamentally don’t understand America or Americans.
They’ve lived in their elitist bubbles so long that when Trump promises in his speech to end sanctuary cities and prevent criminals from coming into our country illegally, they say it’s divisive and hateful and political. They claim the speech was “dark,” “far removed” and “partisan.”
President Trump was not saying immigrants are bad. He said (and says) illegal immigration is bad — something Democrats (including Barack Obama and Bill Clinton) once actually agreed with and even mentioned in their State of the Union (SOTU) addresses.
But, as I said, these “journalists” been divorced from reality too long. When you have private transportation and a gated community, the danger of criminals here illegally doesn’t feel like such a big deal, right?
Meanwhile, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi ripping Trump’s speech takes the cake. She will be remembered for it forever. When Democrats try to say this president is divisive, I want you to remember what Pelosi did. Her behavior is what is divisive. This is what we cannot accept.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., tears her copy of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address after he delivered it to a joint session of Congress. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
When you think of the invited guests in the audience: A 2-year-old with a new chance at life, a young African-American girl who has a huge academic future now thanks to school choice, or a family who is being reunited because the president wants our forces out of places they need not be — that’s what America is about. We are about family; we are about opportunity and we are about optimism.
No one can take this away from us — no matter how hard Pelosi, “The Squad” and Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., try.
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