By Bowen Xiao and Jan Jekielek
Every single voting machine used in this year’s election should be impounded and reviewed for forensic analysis, according to attorney Sidney Powell, who believes there’s more than enough criminal probable cause to justify such a move.
Powell, who has filed a number of election-related lawsuits in multiple states, said President Donald Trump could use his 2018 executive order on foreign interference that would give him certain authority.
“That gives him all kinds of power—to do everything from seizing assets, to freeze things, demand the impoundment of the machines,” she told The Epoch Times’ “American Thought Leaders” program. “Under the emergency powers, he could even appoint a special prosecutor to look into this, which is exactly what needs to happen.”
“Every voting machine in the country should be impounded right now,” Powell said. She has also filed emergency requests to the Supreme Court in a bid to decertify the 2020 election results in order to prevent electors from casting their votes in four states.
According to the 2018 executive order, the director of national intelligence would be tasked with conducting “an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election,” no later than 45 days after the election.
Sanctions against those identified as foreign actors interfering in the election can also be recommended, according to the order.
Perhaps the most troubling machine fraud found so far is that conducted through Dominion Voting Systems, Powell asserted. On Dec. 14, a forensic audit of Dominion machines and software in Michigan showed the machines were designed to create fraud and influence election results, a data firm stated in a preliminary report.
“We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results,” Russell Ramsland Jr., co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group, said in the report.
“The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication,” he added. “The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail.”
Allied Security Operations and Ramsland, a former NASA official and official in the Reagan administration, said that they found that ballot-adjudication logs and the security logs for the Nov. 3 general election in Antrim County’s Dominion Voting Systems machines had been removed. They said the logs of prior elections before Nov. 3 were still there.
A Michigan judge on Dec. 14 allowed the parties to release the results of the the forensic imaging examination of Dominion, with redactions of code. The 23-page report was published soon after by Allied Security Operations Group.
In a Dec. 15 statement, Dominion refuted the report’s findings, saying there were “no software ‘glitches’ that ‘switched’ votes in Antrim County or anywhere else.” Dominion said the errors they identified in Antrim County “were isolated human errors not involving Dominion.”
On machine fraud, Powell said the alleged illegal activity included “everything from injecting massive quantities of votes into the system that they just made up, to running counterfeit ballots through multiple times in multiple batches to create the appearance of votes that weren’t really there.”
The company’s voting technology is currently used in 28 U.S. states and Puerto Rico, according to its official website. Powell said a forensic audit needs to be conducted on every Dominion machine in the country, but the scrutiny shouldn’t end at Dominion.
During her interview, Powell mentioned one of her witnesses, an alleged whistleblower who has a background with the Venezuelan military, including the national security guard detail of the Venezuelan president. The whistleblower, according an affidavit, outlined an alleged conspiracy between Smartmatic software executives, former Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, and that country’s election officials to ensure Chavez won reelections and retained power for years.
The whistleblower claimed the “software and fundamental design of the electronic electoral system and software of Dominion and other election tabulating companies relies upon software that is a descendant of the Smartmatic Electoral Management System.”
“In short, the Smartmatic software is in the DNA of every vote-tabulating company’s software and system,” the whistleblower said, according to the affidavit.
Dominion, on its website, denies it has any connection with Smartmatic, while also refuting allegations that it manipulated the vote.
Lawmakers have for years warned the public of the vulnerabilities of America’s election infrastructure, as well as threats of foreign and domestic interference in U.S. elections.
In December 2019, Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) raised concerns about the poor condition and vulnerabilities of voting machines and other election equipment, as well as a lack of transparency, in letters sent to three private equity firms: McCarthy Group, Staple Street Capital Group, and H.I.G. Capital.
The lawmakers said three vendors—Election Systems & Software, Dominion Voting Systems, and Hart InterCivics—”collectively distribute voting machines and software that facilitate voting for over 90% of all eligible voters in the United States.”
The private equity firms reportedly own or control each of the vendors, the lawmakers noted.
“We are particularly concerned that secretive and ‘trouble-plagued companies,’ owned by private equity firms and responsible for manufacturing and maintaining voting machines and other election administration equipment, ‘have long skimped on security in favor of convenience,’ leaving voting systems across the country ‘prone to security problems’” the lawmakers collectively wrote in the letters.
The vendors rarely publish information about their annual profits, executive compensation, or how much they spend on the maintenance of their voting systems, according to the lawmakers.
More broadly, the lawmakers also had concerns about the spread and effect of private equity investments in the election technology industry and other sectors of the economy. They stated these issues “threaten the integrity of our elections.”
William Evanina, director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, said in an August statement that the U.S. government is “primarily concerned about the ongoing and potential activity by China, Russia, and Iran” when it comes to election interference.
Evanina said the Chinese Communist Party had been “expanding its influence efforts” before the November election in order to “shape the policy environment in the United States, pressure political figures it views as opposed to China’s interests, and deflect and counter criticism of China.”
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