Posted inNational News

RNC Shifts Focus to Election Integrity

By Joseph Lord As the Republican National Committee (RNC) shifts much of its 2024 focus to ensuring election integrity, RNC officials discussed the measures they’re undertaking to ensure that America’s 2024 election is fair and secure. Earlier, the RNC announced the creation of an election integrity division, focused on issues like legal fights across the […]

Posted inNational News

Trump Wins Mississippi, Georgia, Washington Primaries, Becomes Presumptive GOP Nominee

By Nathan Worcester Former President Donald Trump made a clean sweep of three more Republican presidential primaries as he remains effectively unchallenged within his party. He sailed through successive contests on March 12 in Georgia, Mississippi, and Washington, claiming three more victories as the de facto GOP nominee. His last remaining rival, former South Carolina […]

Posted inNational News

Trump, Biden Poised to Clinch Nominations in March 12 Primaries

By Janice Hisle and Emel Akan In primary elections on March 12, incumbent Democrat President Joe Biden and his Republican challenger, former President Donald Trump, appear likely to score enough delegates to become their respective party’s presidential nominees. Pollster Rich Baris dubbed March 12 “mini Super Tuesday” because several states are holding presidential-preference contests. These […]

Posted inBusiness

Texas Judge Rules That a Federal Agency Discriminates Against Whites

By Patricia Tolson A Texas judge has ruled that a government agency created to assist minority-owned businesses has discriminated against white people, violating the rights of all Americans to receive equal protection under the United States Constitution. As explained in the 93-page Opinion and Order (pdf), the plaintiffs—three entrepreneurs in need of assistance for their […]

Posted inNational News

Delegate Math: Haley Campaign Days Are Numbered

By John Haughey Regardless how many delegates, if any, Nikki Haley earns in Feb. 24’s South Carolina Republican primary, the former United Nations ambassador’s presidential campaign’s days are numbered. As in 30 days or less, calculate a raft of delegate-counting analysts, such as FHQ Strategies founder and University of Georgia Political Science Professor Josh Putnam. […]

Posted inHealthcare

The Curse of Ultra-Pasteurization

By Sally Fallon Morell In the summer of 1983, an outbreak of listeriosis occurred in Massachusetts. Forty-nine people became sick and 14 of those—29 percent—died. Listeria is the bad actor among pathogens. Most pathogens make people sick but don’t kill them—listeria, on the other hand, often kills, especially the very young, the elderly, and the immune-compromised. […]

Posted inNational News

Mail-In Ballot Fraud Study Finds Trump ‘Almost Certainly’ Won in 2020

By Tom Ozimek A new study examining the likely impact that fraudulent mail-in ballots had in the 2020 election concludes that the outcome would “almost certainly” have been different without the massive expansion of voting by mail. The Heartland Institute study tried to gauge the probable impact that fraudulent mail-in ballots cast for both then-candidate […]

Posted inNational News

‘Zuckerbucks’ Are Gone But Influence Operations Remain, According to Congress Witness

By Austin Alonzo A group that allegedly worked to drive left-leaning voter turnout is gearing up to play a role in the 2024 election, according to Congressional testimony. On Feb. 7, the Committee on House Administration held a hearing on “Confronting Zuckerbucks, Private Funding of Election Administration.” The committee, chaired by Rep. Bryan Steil (R-Wis.), […]

Posted inNational News

RFK Jr. Campaign Collects Enough Signatures to Get on New Hampshire Ballot

By Jeff Louderback As President Joe Biden learned he had won the New Hampshire Democrat primary as a write-in candidate, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced he had gathered the required number of signatures to appear on that state’s general election ballot in November. Mr. Kennedy’s team collected more than 3,000 signatures in […]