Posted inNational News

GOP Expects Midterm Sweep as Gas Prices Spike

By Joseph Lord Democrats are blaming rising gasoline prices—which have reached unprecedented levels in various parts of the country—on monopolies and price gouging. Republicans have called this “political cover” for the midterms, which they are increasingly optimistic will see a GOP sweep. According to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, when President Donald Trump left office, […]

Posted inNational News

Over 28,000 Pounds of Ground Beef Recalled for Possible E. Coli Contamination

By Lorenz Dechamps Nearly 13 tons of packaged ground beef shipped to retailers in at least seven U.S. states are being recalled over possible E. coli contamination, the U.S. Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced on Thursday. The recall applies to approximately 28,356 pounds of the raw meat products produced on Dec. 20 and sold to retail locations […]

Posted inNational News

Statistics Show America’s Education System is Failing: CRT and Lower Expectation Equals Fewer Literate Graduates, Expert Says

By Patricia Tolson According to government statistics, America’s education system is failing. According to one expert, lower expectations and the shift in focus from academic excellence in mathematics, science, reading, and history toward the implementation of social constructs like critical race theory equals fewer literate graduates. “Public records and other evidence show that state-level and some local […]

Posted inLife, Nature and Tradition

‘So Difficult’: Northwest Cold Forces Some Into Shelters

By The Associated Press SEATTLE—With temperatures in normally mild Seattle dropping well below freezing, Kaety West walked a short distance in the snow from the tent where she usually stays to find refuge at a small warming center at an American Legion hall. “I’m not even willing to stay in it right now. It’s just so difficult,” she said […]

Posted inFinance

Democratic ‘billionaire tax’ would damage stock ownership, critics say

By Zachary Halaschak, Economics Reporter Sen. Ron Wyden’s proposal to tax the unrealized gains of billionaires would harm capital markets, lowering the number of public companies and reducing the number of people who participate in stock markets, critics say. Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon, recently released a mark-to-market capital gains tax proposal after years of planning . The billionaire tax […]

Posted inNational News

Democrats’ Proposed Build Back Better Act a Gift to Unions, Report Says

By Matthew Vadum Provisions in the Democrats’ proposed “Build Back Better Act,” a massive social spending bill that will cost trillions of dollars, will boost labor union coffers by billions of dollars, according to a new report from the Freedom Foundation in Washington state. In the report, Maxford Nelsen, director of labor policy for the Freedom […]

Posted inNational News

Officials Agree Social Security, Medicare Are in Deep Trouble, but Solutions Mean Tough Choices

By Mark Tapscott Social Security will be unable to pay full benefits a year earlier than previously projected, while Medicare’s insolvency date remains just five years away, according to the latest trustee reports. But nobody in the nation’s capital is stepping up with proposals to fix the two largest federal entitlement programs. Between them, Social Security and […]