Posted inNational News

U.S. Sues California Over ‘Illegal’ Cap-and-Trade Pact With Quebec

By Matthew Vadum The Trump administration is suing California over what it calls an “illegal” cap-and-trade agreement with the Canadian province of Quebec, alleging the Golden State is conducting its own “independent foreign policy in the area of greenhouse gas regulation.” The lawsuit comes as the administration prepares to formally withdraw the United States from […]

Posted inNational News

Could Pelosi abandon impeachment effort? Legal analyst predicts she may

By Matt London | Fox News Democrats “may end up walking away” from their effort to impeach President Donald Trump, predicted Doug Burns, who is a former federal prosecutor in the Criminal Division of the Eastern District of New York and a practicing attorney. COULD SENATE REFUSE TO HONOR HOUSE DEMOCRAT-LED ‘IRREGULAR’ IMPEACHMENT? On Fox Nation’s “Deep Dive” Wednesday, Burns said that […]

Posted inNational News

America’s Ruling Class

By Angelo Codevilla And the perils of revolution. As over-leveraged investment houses began to fail in September 2008, the leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties, of major corporations, and opinion leaders stretching from the National Review magazine (and the Wall Street Journal) on the right to the Nation magazine on the left, agreed that spending some $700 billion to […]

Posted inNational News

The Young, the Restless, and Bernie

By WILLIAM MURCHISON Empowering the kiddies to do in the elderly. ANew York Times opinion column acquaints humanity with the injustice of forbidding the vote to 16- and 17-year-olds — who, nevertheless, would gain the franchise once a budding movement to that end came to fruition — and then would impose the superior wisdom of the […]

Posted inNational News

Tammy Bruce: Bombshell book reveals Hillary Clinton cast ‘protective bubble’ over Harvey Weinstein

By Matt London | Fox News Fox Nation host Tammy Bruce broke down what she sees as the biggest takeaway from Ronan Farrow’s bombshell new book detailing sexual misconduct and alleged cover-ups reaching into the highest echelons of American media and politics. WOMEN’S GROUP CALLS FOR DEMS TO PULL MSNBC DEBATE AMID ‘CULTURE OF SEXUAL ABUSE’ AT NBC NEWS Bruce argued that the most […]

Posted inNational News

CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin regrets covering ‘no big deal’ Clinton email scandal

By Brian Flood | Fox News CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin apologized on Monday for covering former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server after a probe revealed dozens of people were responsible for hundreds of security violations, which Toobin described as “no big deal.” A State Department report obtained by Fox News on Friday summarized a review of the […]

Posted inNational News

AOC blasted by GOP challenger for rally with Bernie Sanders near site of nixed Amazon headquarters

By David Montanaro | Fox News A Republican challenger to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., called out the freshman lawmaker Monday for appearing at a rally with Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., right near where an Amazon headquarters would have been built. “They did this with 25,000 people, we heard, but omitted the fact that they killed 25,000 jobs by killing the Amazon deal right […]

Posted inOpinion

Gabbard, in defiant video, links Clinton ‘smears’ to her previous Sanders endorsement

By Gregg Re | Fox News Speaking directly to the camera in a video message posted on social media on Sunday, 2020 presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard suggested that Hillary Clinton recently “smeared” her as a “Russian asset” as payback for Gabbard’s defiance of the party establishment in 2016. “If they can falsely portray me as a traitor, then they can do it […]

Posted inOpinion

Tara Ross: Dems’ ‘ranked-choice’ voting bill dangerously undermines states’ rights under Constitution

By Tara Ross | Fox News If Rep. Jamie Raskin, D.-Md., and a handful of Democratic congressmen get their way, states will be forced to change the manner in which they elect their congressmen. These Democrats hope to mandate the use of “ranked-choice” voting in congressional elections nationwide. Today, each state is in charge of itself. The Ranked Choice Voting Act would strip them of […]

Posted inNational News

Hillary Clinton floats conspiracy that Tulsi Gabbard is being ‘groomed’ by Russians

By Alex Pappas | Fox News Hillary Clinton in a new interview appeared to float a conspiracy theory that the Russians are “grooming” Hawaii congresswoman and Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard to be a third-party candidate in 2020, while claiming 2016 Green Party nominee Jill Stein is “also” a Russian asset. Appearing on former President Obama aide David Plouffe’s “Campaign HQ” […]

Posted inOpinion

Tucker Carlson: What Elizabeth Warren doesn’t want you to know about her ‘Medicare-for-all’ plan

By Tucker Carlson | Fox News Tucker: Medicare-for-all is actual socialism Elizabeth Warren refuses to answer how health care plan will be paid for. From the beginning, the 2020 Democratic race has been a different kind of contest. The candidates don’t seem to be competing to see who can run the country most efficiently. That’s the old style of […]