Posted inWorld

Former CIA operative: China uses Dems as ‘useful idiots’ to spread propaganda, Biden ‘in the tank’ for Beijing

By Julia Musto | Fox News Former CIA operative Bryan Dean Wright reacted Thursday to a new report that China helped to spread misinformation about coronavirus, calling out Democrats – including former Vice President Joe Biden – for placing too much trust in Beijing’s narratives. During the early stages of the outbreak in the United States, Chinese agents reportedly sent text messages to Americans warning the government would soon […]

Posted inNational News

Dem lawmakers eye ‘opportunity’ for historic expansion of government amid coronavirus crisis

By Adam Shaw | Fox News Former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said during the 2008 financial crisis that lawmakers should “never let a crisis go to waste,” and many Democratic lawmakers appear to be heeding that advice — using the coronavirus pandemic as a jumping-off point to renew calls for a historic expansion of government. Emanuel repeated his mantra again last […]

Posted inImmigration

Explainer: Trump’s virus-linked immigration crackdown in line with long-term goals

By Mica Rosenberg, Ted Hesson NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Donald Trump said he will sign an executive order temporarily barring some immigrants from seeking permanent residency in the United States, saying it will protect Americans seeking to regain jobs lost due to the coronavirus pandemic. But the Trump administration has already taken drastic steps to […]

Posted inNational News

Protests against coronavirus lockdown orders spread in North Carolina, Missouri: ‘My rights are essential’

By Andrew O’Reilly | Fox News Angry demonstrators took to the streets in North Carolina and Missouri on Tuesday to voice their discontent at their states’ stay-at-home orders amid the coronavirus pandemic. The protests in Raleigh, N.C. and Jefferson City, Mo., are the latest in a series of protests across the country against state lockdown orders – fueled […]

Posted inNational News

Tying It All Together: China, Dr. Fauci, French Company Sanofi Pasteur, George Soros and the Gates Foundation

By Jim Hoft Links between Dr. Tony Fauci, China, French company Sanofi Pasteur, George Soros and the Gates Foundation are old and deep.  The China coronavirus ties them all together. In late December 2019, Taiwan sent an email to the World Health Organization (WHO) stating that a unique ‘atypical pneumonia’ was identified in China and […]

Posted inHealthcare

Testing shows hundreds of thousands in LA County may have been infected with coronavirus

By David Aaro | Fox News The coronavirus outbreak in Los Angeles County is believed to have infected at least 200,000 people by early April, which would far surpass the number of officially confirmed cases, according to a report on Monday. A large scale study by the University of Southern California and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health found that […]

Posted inNational News

Linda Tripp of Clinton-Lewinsky scandal fame dead at 70

By Ronn Blitzer, Alex Pappas | Fox News Linda Tripp, whose covert recording of conversations with Monica Lewinsky revealed an affair with then-President Bill Clinton, has died, Fox News confirmed. “Sadly, Linda did pass away today,” Joseph Murtha, the former attorney to Tripp, said in an email. “I am not in a position to provide any details.” Earlier in the day, it […]

Posted inEconomy

Bipartisan breakthrough? Pols unveil ‘Back to Work’ plan for reopening economy with emphasis on mass testing

By Marisa Schultz | Fox News After spending weeks diving into coronavirus issues over video conferencing, a bipartisan group of 50 House members has crafted a plan for what’s needed to reopen the economy safely and help businesses recover from crippling mandatory shutdowns. Fox News got an exclusive first look at the Problem Solvers Caucus plan that outlines specific public health, economic recovery and long-term stimulus plans the […]

Posted inWorld

China ‘cornered’ the personal protective equipment market and ‘is profiteering’ during coronavirus outbreak

By Talia Kaplan | Fox News White House Trade Adviser Peter Navarro said during an exclusive interview on “Sunday Morning Futures” that China “cornered” the personal protective equipment (PPE) market during the coronavirus outbreak and “is profiteering.” Navarro, who is also the National Defense Production Act policy coordinator, made the comment on Sunday reacting to a recent Fox News report, which cited multiple sources, […]

Posted inLife, Nature and Tradition

People buying more plants, garden tools while in quarantine: ‘We’ve seen a tremendous spike’

By April Hardwick | New York Post New Yorkers are going green while in quarantine. Folks on lockdown are buying up plants to decorate their pads — in part because those with black thumbs are around 24/7 to care for them and in part because they are soothing during stressful times. Since New Jersey’s stay-at-home order took […]