Posted inNational News

Cities go to extremes with quarantine crackdowns: Checkpoints, power shutoffs, steep fines

By Tyler Olson | Fox News Some travelers will be stopped in NYC. The interstate in Chicago has signs warning about quarantine requirements. With the daily number of coronavirus cases in the United States still hovering at about 50,000 and American deaths from the disease approaching 160,000, cities across the country are taking increasingly severe measures to force the curve of the outbreak downward […]

Posted inEconomy

In SALT cap stimulus square-off, lawmakers squabble over $10,000 deduction limit

By Brittany De Lea FOXBusiness Republicans have accused Democrats of holding up a stimulus package over the measure. Republicans and Democrats are trying to find a middle ground on several provisions in order to pass another coronavirus stimulus package, including whether to repeal a $10,000 cap on state and local tax deductions. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., unveiled a […]

Posted inPresidential Actions

Trumps weighs executive action to suspend evictions, payroll tax

By Megan Henney FOXBusiness ‘I’m going to stop it because I’ll do it myself if I have to,’ Trump said. President Trump said on Monday he was considering taking executive action to halt evictions and suspend payroll taxes, as Republicans and Democrats struggle to negotiate another aid package for American families and workers still reeling from the coronavirus pandemic. […]

Posted inNational News

CNN’s Brian Stelter ridiculed for claiming ‘right-wing media tempest’ is behind push for Biden not to debate Trump

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn, Brian Flood | Fox News Suggestion Biden should not debate came in CNN, NYT op-eds. CNN media pundit Brian Stelter raised eyebrows On Monday night after he said that “mostly right-wing media” is behind the growing push for Joe Biden not to debate President Trump — despite high-profile calls from The New York Times and even CNN personalities for the former vice […]

Posted inNational News

NYC crime spree knocks on the doorsteps of America’s ultra-rich

By Stephanie Pagones | Fox News New York City’s Upper East Side is seeing a ‘significant uptick’ in robberies, police say. A portion of New York City’s Upper East Side, which reportedly boasts residents such as billionaire Glenn Dubin and hedge funder John Paulson, has been riddled with a recent uptick in crime, including a weekend gunpoint robbery spree, police said. The New York […]

Posted inHealthcare

Kodak lands $765M US loan under Defense Production Act to boost drug production

By Evie Fordham FOXBusiness White House trade adviser Peter Navarro announced Tuesday the federal government’s partnership with Kodak to begin bringing medical manufacturing back to the U.S. KUDLOW MAINTAINS V-SHAPED RECOVERY STILL INTACT “This is the beginning of American independence from our pharmaceutical dependence on foreign countries,” Navarro said on FOX Business’ “Mornings with Maria.” “It started with the president months ago telling my […]

Posted inNational News

NYC shootings this year, topping 777, have surpassed 2019 numbers, police say

By Bradford Betz | Fox News With five months left in 2020, many remain pessimistic that the situation will improve. New York City shootings so far in 2020 have surpassed the number of shootings for all of 2019, police confirmed to Fox News on Sunday. The milestone was reached Saturday evening after a 24-year-old Bronx man walked into Lincoln Hospital […]

Posted inNational News

Portland sees 150-round shooting at apartment building, as crowds continue violent clashes with police

By Danielle Wallace | Fox News More than 150 rounds were fired and one woman was shot in Portland on Friday night while protesters on Saturday – some of whom appeared to impersonate press – threw glass bottles and shined lasers at city police officers sent to quell the nighttime unrest witnessed for more than two months straight. Saturday marked the third night of federal […]

Posted inNational Security & Defense

Microsoft, TikTok officials in White House talks to prevent total ban

By Charlie Gasparino, Lydia Moynihan, Evie Fordham FOXBusiness Trump is weighing his options and is expected to have an answer Monday or Tuesday. As Microsoft considers a buyout of social media app TikTok, officials from the big tech company and well as executives representing TikTok have been in discussions with the White House to prevent the Trump administration from issuing a […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

MSNBC ignores Epstein docs implicating Bill Clinton; CNN largely avoids

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News Records show Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre claimed she saw the former president on Epstein’s private island — a claim Clinton has denied. MSNBC and CNN offered little to no on-air coverage of the release of damning documents that tie former President Bill Clinton to the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. A trove of documents […]

Posted inOpinion

Deroy Murdock: Orwellian Democrats claim Portland’s violence = peace

By Deroy Murdock | Fox News DHS’s deployment to Portland is not ritual chest-beating. It’s not toxic masculinity. It’s the law.  NEW YORK — Denial is not just a river in Egypt, as the ancient joke goes. It’s the Democrat/media/Left’s comprehensive response to the nationwide riots that rage on, seven weeks after the funeral of police-brutality victim George Floyd. […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Bill Clinton visited Jeffrey Epstein’s private island, unsealed court documents suggest

By Edmund DeMarche | Fox News Maxwell’s lawyers tried to prevent documents from being released. A trove of documents released late Thursday could shed light on Ghislaine Maxwell’s relationship with late financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. The data include records of a 2011 meeting between accuser Virginia Giuffre and her lawyers where she talked about the powerful people in Epstein’s orbit who she […]