Posted inDepartment of Justice

MSNBC ignores Epstein docs implicating Bill Clinton; CNN largely avoids

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News Records show Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre claimed she saw the former president on Epstein’s private island — a claim Clinton has denied. MSNBC and CNN offered little to no on-air coverage of the release of damning documents that tie former President Bill Clinton to the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. A trove of documents […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Bill Clinton visited Jeffrey Epstein’s private island, unsealed court documents suggest

By Edmund DeMarche | Fox News Maxwell’s lawyers tried to prevent documents from being released. A trove of documents released late Thursday could shed light on Ghislaine Maxwell’s relationship with late financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. The data include records of a 2011 meeting between accuser Virginia Giuffre and her lawyers where she talked about the powerful people in Epstein’s orbit who she […]

Posted inOpinion

Millions of kids are at risk this fall if schools don’t reopen. We must close the digital divide now

By Nina Rees FOXBusiness Failing to make an investment in internet and technology would leave millions of students in a modern Dark Ages. While school administrators across the nation scramble to pull together plans to reopen for the fall, it’s clear most students won’t be returning to classrooms full time. States such as Florida continue to press for […]

Posted inEconomy

Economist Peter Morici on coronavirus phase 4 stimulus: ‘The unemployment benefits are essential’

By Talia Kaplan Fox News ‘This crisis is lasting much longer than we anticipated when the first stimulus was passed in March,’ Morici says. “Unemployment benefits are essential,” former U.S. International Trade Commission Chief Economist Peter Morici said on Sunday regarding what he thinks should be included in the next coronavirus stimulus bill. “This crisis is lasting much longer than we anticipated when the first […]

Posted inNational News

These states would lose House seats under Trump Census order

By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News Three states would likely lose seats in the House of Representatives if President Trump’s order stands to exclude illegal immigrants from the apportionment process that allocates seats based on the census. According to a study from the Pew Research Center, California, Florida and Texas would each end up with one less representative than they would otherwise […]

Posted inEconomy

Republican senators push for stimulus checks to nearly 2M excluded Americans

By Megan Henney FOXBusiness Two Senate Republicans are pushing to provide coronavirus stimulus checks to nearly 2 million Americans who were excluded from the first round of $1,200 payments. Sens. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Thom Tillis, R-N.C., have renewed an earlier push to ensure that American citizens who are married to foreign nationals without Social Security numbers receive the same $1,200 cash […]

Posted inOpinion

Tucker Carlson: Coronavirus response is being driven by politics

By Tucker Carlson | Fox News It is very likely that the coronavirus lockdowns themselves will affect the outcome of this year’s presidential election. The president announced Thursday that the Republican Party has canceled its traditional nominating convention in Florida next month. The reason: coronavirus. DONALD TRUMP: This afternoon, my political team came to me and laid out our plans for the convention in […]

Posted inOpinion

Sen. Marco Rubio: Trump right to shut Chinese consulate in Houston — it was a massive spying operation

 By Sen. Marco Rubio | Fox News This sends a strong message to China, Russia and other adversaries that America will not tolerate illegal espionage. This week smoke billowed from the courtyard of the Chinese consulate in Houston as employees burned sensitive documents. Typically, consulates carry out services such as issuing visas and engaging in cultural exchanges. […]

Posted inNational Security & Defense

Space Force unveils delta logo and ‘semper supra’ motto

By James Rogers | Fox News The U.S. Space Force has unveiled its logo and motto. In a statement released Wednesday, the military announced that its motto is “semper supra,” or “always above.” “‘Semper Supra’ (Always Above) is our official motto and it represents our role in establishing, maintaining and preserving U.S. freedom of operations in the space domain,” tweeted Space Force. […]

Posted inNational News

Lockdowns were ‘big mistake,’ crippled economy and haven’t ‘done much’ to curb COVID-19: Rand Paul

By Talia Kaplan | Fox News ‘I see nothing to be admired in New York’s lockdown,’ Paul says. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told “Fox News Rundown” podcast on Wednesday that he thinks coronavirus lockdowns were “a big mistake,” adding that they led to a crippling of the economy and haven’t “done much to the virus.” Paul made the comments as several states […]

Posted inEconomy

Another 1.3M Americans filed for unemployment aid last week amid uneven coronavirus recovery

By Megan Henney FOXBusiness It’s the 17th week in a row that jobless claims came in above 1 million. The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits remained historically high last week, indicating that employers are continuing to slash jobs amid a coronavirus resurgence that’s threatening the labor market’s nascent recovery. EXTRA $600 IN UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS ENDS NEXT MONTH AS […]