Posted inNational News

Biden White House Played Role in FBI Raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home: America First Legal Foundation

By Tom Ozimek Documents obtained by America First Legal Foundation (AFLF) suggest that the Biden White House was involved in the FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s home in Florida by way of a “special access request,” calling into question statements by Biden administration officials that the White House did not interfere and did […]

Posted inNational News

Rubio Responds to Macron’s Call to ‘Break Away’ From US After China Meeting

By Lorenz Duchamps Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has condemned French President Emanuel Macron for appearing to advocate that Europe should distance itself from the United States over a possible Chinese military aggression against Taiwan. In a roughly two-minute video posted on Twitter Sunday, Rubio asked whether Macron “speaks for all of Europe” when he suggested that the […]

Posted inNational News

Trump Indictment ‘Totally Erroneous,’ Sets ‘Bad Precedent’ for the Nation: GOP Leaders

By Samantha Flom and Steve Lance Days after former President Donald Trump pleaded not guilty to falsification of business records charges, his indictment by a Manhattan grand jury continues to spark outrage and concern among Republican leaders—with some holding that it could open the door to rampant prosecutorial misconduct. “Now the threat is that this occurs not only in this […]

Posted inNational News

DeSantis Administration Vows to Fight Biden’s Pro-Trans Rule in Girls’ Sports

By Tom Ozimek Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration has sharply criticized the Biden administration’s proposed new regulations that would ban schools from enforcing prohibitions on biological males who identify as females from competing in girls’ sports. The Biden administration on Thursday proposed a new Title IX rule that would make school policies illegal if they […]

Posted inOpinion

For Democrats, ‘MAGA Republican’ Label Is Designed to Paralyze Opposition

By Nathan Worcester News Analysis These days, it seems like every top Democrat has to work the term “MAGA Republican” into their messages. It’s no coincidence. Their party first deployed the term in mid-2022 as part of a midterm strategy that aimed to activate voters outraged about the Supreme Court’s abortion decision, among other issues. “The terms ‘MAGA Republicans’ and ‘Extreme […]

Posted inNational News

Alan Dershowitz Issues Warning on Chances of a Trump Acquittal in Manhattan

By Jack Phillips Retired Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz warned Wednesday that former President Donald Trump may not get acquitted in New York City amidst Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against him. “There’s no way he can get a fair trial,” he told Fox News. “I don’t care if Jesus, Muhammad, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, […]

Posted inNational News

Trump Pleads Not Guilty to 34-Count Indictment

By Ivan Pentchoukov NEW YORK—Donald Trump, former president and frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, pleaded not guilty in New York on April 4 to an unprecedented indictment brought by the Manhattan district attorney. News of the historic indictment on March 30 set off several days of media mania which culminated on Tuesday […]

Posted inNational News

A ‘New Phase’ Never Seen Before: Victor Davis Hanson on What Trump Indictment Means for America

By Terri Wu and Jan Jekielek With last week’s indictment of former President Donald Trump, the country has entered an unsettling new era characterized by chronic dysfunction, according to prominent conservative historian Victor Davis Hanson. The New York grand jury’s indictment of Trump, the first ever of a current or former president, is “going to open up a […]

Posted inNational News

US Now a Majority Permitless Carry Country After DeSantis Signs Gun Rights Law

By Jack Phillips Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a “permitless carry” bill into law on April 3, making Florida the 26th state to do so, according to pro-Second Amendment groups. The legislation, passed by the Florida Legislature, allows people to carry a concealed weapon without a permit and without state-mandated training. It will go into effect […]