Posted inOpinion

Newt Gingrich: Biden vs Sanders – here’s what to expect in the fight ahead

By Newt Gingrich | Fox News Last month we all thought we knew what was going to happen in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. Former Vice President Joe Biden was going to narrowly win the South Carolina primary. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., would do well and several other candidates would do just well enough to stay in the race. Then, most people thought, […]

Posted inNational News

GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik blasts ‘radical Far-Left’ after finding ‘vile’ note on car while grocery shopping

By Dom Calicchio | Fox News U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik, a third-term congresswoman from New York State who drew national attention for defending President Trump during impeachment hearings on Capitol Hill last year, has become the latest victim of public incivility against Republicans. Stefanik wrote Saturday on Twitter that when she returned to her car earlier in the day after grocery shopping with her […]

Posted inSupreme Court

The Supreme Court will consider Obamacare’s constitutionality — and the outcome could bring ‘total chaos’

By Adriana Belmonte Associate Editor The Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal case on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly known as Obamacare, that could potentially invalidate the entire law. On Dec. 15, 2018, a Texas judge ruled that Obamacare’s individual mandate was unconstitutional. Judge Reed O’Connor agreed with the plaintiffs who argued that the lack […]

Posted inNational News

AOC-aligned progressive candidates fall flat in Super Tuesday contests

By James Levinson | Fox News Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s progressive candidates did not have a “super” Tuesday in the first congressional primaries of the 2020 cycle. The Democratic establishment, on the other hand, could breathe a sigh of relief after three primary challengers from Texas and California underperformed in highly anticipated contests against longtime Democratic incumbents and establishment darlings. […]

Posted inOpinion

David Bossie: After Super Tuesday, socialist Sanders and Biden go to war peddling failed policies

By David N. Bossie | Fox News Super Tuesday primary results – where 1,357 delegates were at stake – make it clear that the fight for the Democratic presidential nomination is far from over. It’s going to be a long, nasty, divisive slog all the way to the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee in July. With his campaign-salvaging win […]

Posted inNational News

Biden roars back: Super Tuesday leaves ex-VP in airtight contest for delegates with Sanders

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News Get ready for a long and grueling road ahead as Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders battle for the Democratic presidential nomination in a race that could possibly result in the country’s first contested major-party nominating convention in well over a half-century. The former vice president, surging to victory in the five southern Super Tuesday states and beyond, crowed to […]

Posted inNational News

2020 Primaries & Caucuses

By FOX NEWS Democrats 3,330 delegates left Joe Biden 342342 votes 1,991 NEEDED TO WIN Bernie Sanders 233233 votes Elizabeth Warren 2121 votes Michael Bloomberg 2020 votes Tulsi Gabbard 00 votes Amy Klobuchar 77 votes Pete Buttigieg 2626 votes Candidates with no delegates include: Michael Bennet, Nathan Bloxham, Cory Booker, Mosie Boyd, Steve Bullock, Steve […]

Posted inNational News

Biden projected to win Virginia and North Carolina, Sanders claims victory in home-state Vermont

By Gregg Re | Fox News Former Vice President Joe Biden will win the Virginia and North Carolina Democratic presidential primaries, Fox News projects, as the candidate notches two early Super Tuesday victories with polls in the coast-to-coast set of contests starting to close. As expected, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., won his home state of Vermont, Fox News projects. Biden’s victories are […]

Posted inNational News

Stu Varney’s Super Tuesday prediction: ‘I’m going to tread on dangerous ground’

By Matt London | Fox News Fox Business host Stuart Varney predicted that Sen. Bernie Sanders I-Vt., will emerge as the obvious leader in the race for the Democratic Party’s nomination for president after the votes are tallied from Super Tuesday. “I’m going to tread on dangerous ground. I’m going to make a forecast,” said Varney on Fox Nation’s “My Take” on Tuesday. “Bernie wins California and […]

Posted inNational News

Super Tuesday guide: The states, the stakes, who’s in contention and more

By Tyler Olson | Fox News Tuesday is the most important day in the 2020 presidential race so far. With 1,357 pledged delegates — 34 percent of the nationwide total — up for grabs on what’s known as Super Tuesday, the results of these contests will set the course for the rest of the presidential nominating calendar and could make or break several candidates’ campaigns. […]

Posted inNational News

Hillary Clinton goes after Bernie Sanders again: His campaign is ‘just baloney’

By Julia Musto | Fox News Doubling down on comments made in a Hulu documentary she had filmed before the 2020 primary season, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign is “just baloney.” In an interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America” with host Linsey Davis, the former 2016 presidential candidate said that her opinion of Sanders and his campaign has not […]