Posted inNational News

2020 Calendar of Events

By USNN Events Calendar February 11th, 2020 New Hampshire Primary February 22nd, 2020 Nevada Caucus February 29th, 2020 South Carolina Primary March 3rd, 2020 Texas Primary Utah Primary Oklahoma Primary Vermont Primary North Carolina Primary Virginia Primary Minnesota Primary Massachusetts Primary Maine Primary Democrats Abroad Colorado Primary Tennessee Primary California Primary Arkansas Primary Alabama Primary […]

Posted inNational News

Pro-Biden super PAC warns of ‘doomsday scenario’ for Democrats

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News MANCHESTER, N.H. – A super PAC supporting former Vice President Joe Biden’s White House bid is urging  donors to “dig deep right now” into their pockets and is warning that if Biden’s campaign collapses, Democrats could face “a doomsday scenario.” The memo from the Unite the Country super PAC — seen as a signal of […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Barr announces sweeping new sanctions, ‘significant escalation’ against left-wing sanctuary cities

By Gregg Re | Fox News Charging that so-called “sanctuary” cities that protect illegal immigrants are jeopardizing domestic security, Attorney General Bill Barr announced a slew of additional sanctions that he called a “significant escalation” against left-wing local and state governments that obstruct the “lawful functioning of our nation’s immigration system.” Speaking at the National Sheriff’s […]

Posted inNational News

Now NH voters give their final grades

By Kevin Landrigan New Hampshire Union Leader MANCHESTER — Voters have until Tuesday to decide what to make of all the fireworks, personal confessions, one candidate’s early concession and stark policy differences from Friday night’s Democratic presidential primary debate. Elections won or lost by big debate moments are the exception in New Hampshire presidential primary […]

Posted inNew Hampshire

The New Hampshire Primary

By USNN Americans will elect the next president of the United States on November 3, 2020. Fifteen notable elected officials and public figures—11 Democrats and four Republicans—are running for president: Democrats Michael Bennet (D) Joe Biden (D) Michael Bloomberg (D) Pete Buttigieg (D) Tulsi Gabbard (D) Amy Klobuchar (D) Deval Patrick (D) Bernie Sanders (I)[1] Tom Steyer (D) Elizabeth Warren (D) Andrew Yang (D) Republicans Roque […]

Posted inNational News

Trump takes on ‘radical left’ in defiant and dramatic State of the Union address; Pelosi rips up speech

By Gregg Re | Fox News President Trump went on the offensive against socialism and left-wing policies during his third State of the Union address to Congress Tuesday night, — prompting goans from Democrats in attendance, and prompting a furious House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to rip up her copy of Trump’s speech as soon as it concluded. […]

Posted inNational News

Iowa caucuses a wide-open race, with voting underway in pivotal contest

By Gregg Re | Fox News The Iowa caucuses are officially underway, and a Fox News Voter Analysis shows a wide-open race, with five candidates competing for a share of the state’s key presidential delegates. Former Vice President Joe Biden, former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and Sens. Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are all in […]

Posted inOpinion

Two Covert Socialists Run for Congress in Georgia

By Trevor Loudon Two covert socialists are running for the U.S. House of Representatives from Georgia. Both are active in the Democratic Party but have sought the endorsement and support of the several-hundred-strong Metro Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America (MADSA). However, neither is willing to publicly identify themselves to the voters as a “democratic socialist.” […]

Posted inWorld

Massachusetts man has coronavirus, state health officials say; US cases rise to 8

By Paulina Dedaj | Fox News Health officials said Saturday that a man in Massachusetts has been infected with the coronavirus after returning from a recent trip to China, bringing the overall reported cases in the United States to eight. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health received confirmation late Friday evening that a Boston man in his early 20s contracted the illness after […]