Posted inNational Security & Defense

UPDATE: Murdered Whistleblower Philip Haney Spoke Out Against Muslim Brotherhood’s Infiltration of US Government in October – Spoke Out Against CAIR (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft DHS whistleblower Philip Haney was found dead on Friday.The whistleblower against the Obama administration was shot dead near his vehicle in California.Haney told Sean Hannity in 2016 that he was ordered during the Obama administration to scrub the record of Muslims in the US with terrorist ties. The story of his […]

Posted inNational News

Trump, Schiff spar ahead of Nevada caucuses over claim Russians trying to help Bernie Sanders

By Alex Pappas | Fox News President Trump and Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff tangled on Twitter ahead of the Nevada caucuses on Saturday over the reports U.S. officials believe Russia is attempting to interfere in the Democratic presidential primary by helping Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. The back-and-forth also follows the president’s recent dismissal of reports that the U.S. intelligence community believes Russia […]

Posted inNational News

Bernie Sanders disavows reported Russian efforts to help his campaign

By Alex Pappas | Fox News Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., disavowed alleged Russian efforts to help his campaign Friday after The Washington Post reported that U.S. officials have determined Moscow is attempting to interfere in the Democratic primary race on his behalf. “I don’t care, frankly, who [Russian President Vladimir] Putin wants to be president,” Sanders said in a statement. “My […]

Posted inNational News

Top 2020 Dems nearly tapping out campaign coffers, scramble to replenish

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News LAS VEGAS – Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s upping the ante. The Democratic presidential candidate’s brutal take-down of rival Mike Bloomberg at this week’s prime-time nomination debate not only won her rave reviews, the progressive senator from Massachusetts also cashed in on the breakout performance. “Since I stepped on the #DemDebate stage, our grassroots campaign has raised more than $5 million,” […]

Posted inNational News

Trump, energized after Dems’ debate melee, takes rally blitz to Colorado

By Gregg Re | Fox News President Trump was continuing his four-state trip out west Thursday evening with a rally in Colorado Springs, Colo., shortly after signaling he might pardon his former advisor Roger Stone and openly celebrating Democrats’ intra-party squabbling at the Las Vegas primary presidential primary debate. The line to enter the Broadmoor World Arena started forming Wednesday morning, with people bringing along tents, space heaters and […]

Posted inNational News

Trump holds Arizona rally, pushing MAGA message during Dem debate

By Morgan Phillips | Fox News President Trump kicked off a rapid-fire campaign push Wednesday night with a rally in Phoenix, Arizona, in an attempt to provide counter-programming to the Democrats’ highly anticipated debate in Las Vegas, Nevada. Trump’s event at Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum is the first of three rallies in three days. He won Arizona over Hillary Clinton in […]

Posted inOpinion

Tom Del Beccaro: Obama never understood the ‘magic wand’ let alone economics, and neither does Sanders or Bloomberg

By Tom Del Beccaro | Fox News President Barack Obama famously asked candidate Donald Trump, “What magic wand do you have?” when speaking about Trump’s plan to revive the economy. Three years into his presidency few argue that the economy isn’t doing well —  and the magic wand is plain for all to see. Big government proponents like Obama and the […]

Posted inJudicial Watch

Whoopi Goldberg confronts AOC over comments about older Democrats: ‘Bothered the hell out of me’

By Sam Dorman | Fox News Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., attempted to quell “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg’s concerns about her after Goldberg suggested that the congresswoman disrespected the influence of older Democratic women. “I was very happy when you were elected because I thought it was a great step … and then you lost me,” Goldberg told Ocasio-Cortez, “because it felt […]

Posted inImmigration

Border Patrol Will Deploy Elite Tactical Agents to Sanctuary Cities

By Caitlin Dickerson and Zolan Kanno-Youngs Agents from a special tactical team that normally confronts smugglers on the border are being sent to sanctuary cities across the country. The Trump administration is deploying law enforcement tactical units from the southern border as part of a supercharged arrest operation in sanctuary cities across the country, an escalation in the […]

Posted inNational News

Onetime media darling Avenatti faces years in prison after conviction in Nike shakedown scheme

By Brian Flood | Fox News Brian Stelter and Joy Behar thought he could run for president in 2020. Now he’s going to jail. Former liberal media darling and frequent CNN guest Michael Avenatti won’t be offering anti-Trump talking points on cable news anytime soon after the disgraced lawyer on Friday was found guilty of trying to extort Nike. A New […]

Posted inNational News

Democracy 2020 Digest: Bernie panic spreads inside the party

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News With populist Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont now considered the front-runner in the race for the Democratic nomination, concern and resistance is growing among mainstream and establishment Democrats inside and outside the nation’s capital. Moderate lawmakers sounded the alarm bells Thursday, Fox News’ Chad Pergram and Marisa Schultz reported from Capitol Hill. “It’s bad,” one freshman Democrat […]