Posted inNational News

Cuomo critics highlight years of taxpayer waste, amid deepening coronavirus crisis in New York

By Hollie McKay | Fox News While coronavirus ravages New York – with officials desperately clamoring for life-saving supplies and federal assistance – attention has also turned to years of fiscal mismanagement and cost-cutting, despite it being one of the highest-taxed states in the country. Since the outbreak gained a foothold in the United States earlier this year – and quickly […]

Posted inNational News

Pelosi pushes ‘SALT shakeup’ stimulus that could reduce her tax bill and enrich her wealthy district

By Gregg Re | Fox News House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is pushing for a new stimulus bill that would roll back the state and local tax deduction (SALT) cap, a proposal that would predominantly help wealthy individuals — including most residents in Pelosi’s district and perhaps even Pelosi herself. A 2019 report from the Joint Committee on Taxation projected that of those who would face lower […]

Posted inNational News

New York Mayor’s Threat Against Congregations Prompts Outpouring of Condemnation from Civil Liberties Defenders

BY Mark Tapscott New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio stepped on a bipartisan political landmine Sunday when he threatened to close permanently religious congregations hosting worship and other gatherings in defiance of social distancing orders. “The American people are patient and will tolerate temporary impositions on their freedoms if it means they can demonstrate love for their neighbor. But, […]

Posted inOpinion

Book Review: ‘The Myth of Chinese Capitalism: The Worker, the Factory, and the Future of the World’

By Chriss Street Former Bloomberg Beijing bureau chief Dexter Roberts’ new bestselling book tracks the rise of China as the “factory to the world,” the devastation of its migrant workers, and its potential rebellious end. Roberts arrived in 1995 to a nation struggling with “gaige kaifang,” or reform and opening, following Mao Zedong’s radical egalitarianism that […]

Posted inWorld

Telling Chinese People the Truth About the CCP

By Catherine Yang It’s not just Americans who are only now realizing the extent of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) influence and its deceptions—many Chinese living in mainland China are in the same boat. For nearly 20 years, Jianglan Xiao has taken sharing the truth with the Chinese people as her mission. Working from California, she’s […]

Posted inHealthcare

Florida sees sharp spike in coronavirus infections as fears grow it could be another hotspot

By Lucia I. Suarez Sang | Fox News Fears are growing that Florida could be another coronavirus hotspot after a sharp increase in infections in the last 24 hours and nearly two dozen more deaths. Health officials said Saturday morning they have seen 863 additional positive COVID-19 cases, which brought the total tally of cases to 3,763. In this photo provided […]

Posted inEconomy

Trump signs $2T stimulus bill after House approves historic coronavirus response

By Marisa Schultz, Chad Pergram | Fox News President Trump on Friday signed a more than $2 trillion legislative package to combat the coronavirus pandemic and send economic relief to workers and businesses squeezed by restrictions meant to stop the outbreak’s spread after the House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the legislation earlier in the day. “I want to thank […]

Posted inEconomy

Congress OKs $2T stimulus in historic coronavirus response, as rep’s objections sidelined

By Marisa Schultz, Chad Pergram | Fox News The House of Representatives on Friday overwhelmingly approved a more than $2 trillion package to combat the coronavirus pandemic and send economic relief to workers and businesses squeezed by restrictions meant to stop the outbreak’s spread. The legislation, approved by voice vote despite 11th-hour drama arising from a GOP lawmaker’s objections, amounts […]

Posted inHealthcare

Trump says new coronavirus ‘guidelines’ will address potential changes to social distancing rules

By Brooke Singman, Matt Leach | Fox News President Trump on Thursday said the administration is working to publish new guidelines that will advise governors in states across the nation on potential changes to social distancing, based on whether certain counties are low, medium or high risk for the novel coronavirus. In a letter from the president to “America’s Governors,” Trump […]

Posted inHealthcare

Ohio, Louisiana issue new statewide coronavirus stay-at-home orders

By Vandana Rambaran | Fox News Lousiana and Ohio became the latest states Sunday to announce they would issue sweeping restrictions urging citizens to stay at home in an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus. Gov. John Bel Edwards, D-La., said the “stay at home order,” which would go into effect Monday, was a necessary measure to “flatten the curve” and protect […]