Posted inNational News

Federal Judge Rules Nationwide Eviction Ban Is Unconstitutional

By Janita Kan A  judge in Texas on Thursday ruled that the federal government does not have the authority to issue a nationwide eviction moratorium. U.S. District Judge John Barker, a Trump appointee, ruled in favor of a group of property managers and landlords who challenged a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) order that prevented them from […]

Posted inImmigration

Former Trump Adviser Says Biden’s Immigration Bill Could ‘Erase the Very Essence of America’s Nationhood’

By Li Hai Stephen Miller, former senior adviser to former President Donald Trump, told Fox News on Sunday that a new immigration bill proposed by Democrats would “fundamentally erase the very essence of America’s nationhood.” On Feb. 18, Democrats formally introduced President Joe Biden’s new immigration bill that provides an eight-year pathway to citizenship for about 11 […]

Posted inOpinion

Opinion: A Quieter, More Focused Donald Trump Will Defeat the Never Trumpers

By Conrad Black Commentary The battle lines were drawn within a couple of hours following the acquittal of former President Trump in his second impeachment case, between Trump and his followers and the recently returned ghost of the Never Trump movement. The ex-president’s Republican enemies are pale and malnourished after four years skulking in the […]

Posted inNational News

States Push to Rein in Big Tech as Federal Gears Grind Slow

By Tom Ozimek States are moving with urgency in seeking to rein in alleged abuses by Big Tech companies, while the federal government is preoccupied with COVID-19 relief and former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial. Spurred by various motivations, like fighting censorship, shoring up data privacy protections of constituents, or looking to punish or raise revenue from cash-flush […]

Posted inCongress

Impeachment Managers Present No New Evidence of Incitement

By Ivan Pentchoukov The Democrat House impeachment managers presented no new evidence during a crucial portion of their arguments on Feb. 10 to support the allegation that President Donald Trump incited an insurrection. The incitement accusation is at the core of the case against the former president, who was impeached by the House last month for allegedly inciting the […]

Posted inSupreme Court

Supreme Court to Consider 2020 Election Challenge Lawsuits in February Conference

By Tom Ozimek The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday scheduled several high-profile contest-of-election lawsuits, including ones brought by attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood, and the Trump campaign, for consideration at its Feb. 19 conference. According to a case listing, the lawsuits include Sidney Powell’s Michigan case (20-815), the Trump campaign’s Pennsylvania lawsuit (20-845) and Wisconsin lawsuit (20-882), the Pennsylvania lawsuit brought by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) […]

Posted inCongress

Republicans Call Double Standard on Greene’s Committee Removals, Point to Omar Remarks

By Tom Ozimek Several Republican lawmakers alleged a double standard in the Democrat push to strip Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) from two committee posts over her past comments and actions, while Democrat lawmaker Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) faced no such censure for her past incendiary remarks. The House on Thursday adopted a resolution along largely partisan lines to remove Greene […]

Posted inEconomy

House Passes Budget Resolution to Set Up Partisan Vote on CCP Virus Package

By Zachary Stieber The House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a budget resolution that lets Congress pass President Joe Biden’s CCP virus relief package without Republican backing. The 218-212 vote was entirely along party lines, except for two Democrats, Reps. Ed Case (D-Hawaii) and Jared Golden (D-Maine), who sided with Republicans against the resolution. Rep. Ron Wright (R-Texas) missed […]

Posted inNational News

Venezuela Hired Democratic Party Donor for $6 Million

By The Associated Press MIAMI—Newly filed lobbying records (pdf) show Venezuela’s socialist government previously hired a longtime Democratic Party donor for $6 million at the same time it was lobbying to discourage the U.S. from imposing sanctions on the oil-rich nation. The documents, which were disclosed Thursday, show a U.S. subsidiary of Venezuela’s state oil giant […]

Posted inNational Security & Defense

DHS Issues ‘Heightened Threat’ Alert After Transition, Warns of Potential Violence

By Zachary Stieber The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Tuesday said the United States is seeing “a heightened threat environment” following the presidential inauguration as it warned of potential violence in the coming weeks. Acting DHS Secretary Pete Gaynor said in a terrorism advisory bulletin that information suggests “some ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections […]