Posted inNational News

Cities go to extremes with quarantine crackdowns: Checkpoints, power shutoffs, steep fines

By Tyler Olson | Fox News Some travelers will be stopped in NYC. The interstate in Chicago has signs warning about quarantine requirements. With the daily number of coronavirus cases in the United States still hovering at about 50,000 and American deaths from the disease approaching 160,000, cities across the country are taking increasingly severe measures to force the curve of the outbreak downward […]

Posted inEconomy

McConnell mocks Malibu for seeking stimulus funding to help with electric car conversion

By Andrew O’Reilly, Jason Donner | Fox News Talks over what will be included in any legislation continue between Democrats and White House negotiators. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., expressed incredulity on Wednesday after receiving a letter from the tony beachside California city of Malibu asking that funding be included in the next coronavirus stimulus bill to help with the […]

Posted inWeather

Tropical Storm Isaias caused 147 mph wind gust atop Mount Washington in New Hampshire

By Travis Fedschun, Janice Dean | Fox News Isaias is now well into Canada, after killing 6 people in the U.S. Whipping winds from Tropical Storm Isaias brought down trees and knocked out power for millions along the East Coast on Tuesday, with hurricane-strong gusts blasting atop Mount Washington in New Hampshire. At least six people were killed as Isaias spawned tornadoes and dumped rain along the East Coast after […]

Posted inNational News

Trump warns election result could take ‘two months’ because of mail-in voting

By Tyler Olson | Fox News President Trump said Monday that it could take two months for Americans to see a result from November’s presidential election — a comment that came amid a tense back-and-forth over the merits of universal mail-in voting during an interview with Axios journalist Jonathan Swan. The comments during the “Axios on HBO” interview come as the […]

Posted inNational News

NBC investigating Entertainment chairman amid staff allegations of racism, sexism, homophobia

By Sam Dorman | Fox News Accusations made by Sharon Osbourne, Gabrielle Union and others. NBC is reportedly investigating Paul Telegdy, the chairman of their Entertainment division, amid accusations that he made racially and sexually inappropriate gestures to and about staff, a report published Friday said. Multiple current and former employees, including big names like Sharon Osbourne and Gabrielle Union, told The […]

Posted inNational News

These states would lose House seats under Trump Census order

By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News Three states would likely lose seats in the House of Representatives if President Trump’s order stands to exclude illegal immigrants from the apportionment process that allocates seats based on the census. According to a study from the Pew Research Center, California, Florida and Texas would each end up with one less representative than they would otherwise […]

Posted inNational News

American protests: Demonstrations, violent riots expected to continue throughout the country

By Stephen Sorace | Fox News Tensions have heightened since federal officials were sent to quell riots in Portland, Oregon. Several cities across America are bracing for more demonstrations and violent rioting this weekend after another night of lawlessness and unrest boiled over into the early hours of Sunday morning, as Antifa and militia groups prepare for further battle […]

Posted inEconomy

Tax hikes contemplated to plug coronavirus-caused budget shortfalls

By Brittany De Lea FOXBusiness The coronavirus pandemic has put a significant strain on state and local budgets, causing some local leaders to consider raising taxes as a means to ensure critical services can continue. “State and local governments need, desperately need, financial support,” Moody’s Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi said during a recent Economic Policy Institute teleconference. Zandi predicts the budget […]

Posted inEconomy

Millions of Americans are unemployed, we need to make it easier for them to get back to work

By Phil Harvey, Lisa Conyers FOXBusiness About thirty million  (and counting) Americans are officially unemployed, and this number is not likely to budge much anytime soon. At the same time, millions of small businesses nationwide are shuttered and many do not know when or if they will ever re-open. The $3 trillion CARES emergency funding effort aims to help small businesses. It […]

Posted inWorld

China harboring military-linked biologist fugitive at San Francisco consulate, FBI says

By Gregg Re | Fox News The Chinese consulate in San Francisco is harboring a biology researcher who falsely denied connections to the Chinese military to obtain a visa and gain access to the country, according to court documents filed by the FBI. The filing came as part of a document that cited a slew of other episodes in which Chinese nationals allegedly […]

Posted inEconomy

Another 1.3M Americans filed for unemployment aid last week amid uneven coronavirus recovery

By Megan Henney FOXBusiness It’s the 17th week in a row that jobless claims came in above 1 million. The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits remained historically high last week, indicating that employers are continuing to slash jobs amid a coronavirus resurgence that’s threatening the labor market’s nascent recovery. EXTRA $600 IN UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS ENDS NEXT MONTH AS […]