Posted inNational News

Republicans gather for in-person convention vote to renominate Trump, Pence

By Tyler Olson | Fox News Republicans, unlike Democrats last week, are handling their official party business in person. Republicans on Monday are set to officially renominate President Trump and to represent their party in the November election as delegates gather for their in-person roll call vote Monday morning at the Charlotte, N.C., Republican National Convention (RNC). The delegates renominated Vice President Pence unanimously Monday morning […]

Posted inNational News

Jeff Flake joins over two-dozen former GOP members of Congress to launch ‘Republicans for Biden’

By Brooke Singman | Fox News Announcement comes on the first day of the Republican National Convention. More than two-dozen former Republican members of Congress threw their support behind a “Republicans for Biden” effort being launched Monday by the Democratic presidential nominee’s campaign to engage potential GOP supporters this November. The announcement comes on the first day of […]

Posted inWeather

Tropical Storms Marco, Laura put US coastlines on alert

By Janice Dean | Fox News Tropical Storm Marco is weakening Monday – yet it still brings the risk of heavy rain, storm surge, strong winds and tornadoes as the system moves inland. Marco is forecast to move west along the Louisiana and Texas coast Tuesday and Wednesday. The current projected path of Tropical Storm Marco. (Fox News) Tropical Storm Laura is south of […]

Posted inBusiness

US faces back-to-school laptop shortage

By Associated Press Lenovo, HP and Dell have warned schools of shortage. SAN FRANCISCO — Schools across the United States are facing shortages and long delays, of up to several months, in getting this year’s most crucial back-to-school supplies: the laptops and other equipment needed for online learning, an Associated Press investigation has found. The world’s […]

Posted inEconomy

Former McDonald’s USA CEO: Here’s how the Biden-Harris agenda would hurt working people

By Ed Rensi FOXBusiness There’s no comparison on which political party is better qualified to improve Americans’ quality of life. The 2020 Democratic Convention is now in the history books. The first virtual party convention came to a close on Thursday night when former Vice President Joe Biden accepted his Party’s nomination for president. The focus over four nights […]

Posted inEconomy

Here’s When $300 A Week Unemployment Benefits May Start

By Zack Friedman, Forbes When do the $300 weekly unemployment benefits start? Here’s what you need to know – and what it means for you. Unemployment Benefits According to a new memo from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), the $300 enhanced weekly unemployment benefits will not be available until late August. Unemployed Americans have been waiting for supplemental […]

Posted inOpinion

Biden tries to hide radical economic agenda as he accepts Democratic Party’s nomination

By Justin Haskins FOXBusiness The “moderate” version of Joe Biden, if one ever really existed, vanished a long time ago. Thursday marked a historic moment in the life of Joe Biden. After years of being roundly rejected in one presidential run after another by primary voters, Biden finally was able to take the stage at a Democratic convention […]

Posted inNational News

Pence says economy and ‘law and order’ on ballot as Dems launch ‘ad hominem attacks’ on president

By Tyler Olson | Fox News The vice president said Democrats have been ‘overtaken by the radical left’. Vice President Mike Pence in a Friday interview framed the upcoming presidential election as a choice on the issues, drawing a contrast between what he said is President Trump’s “law and order” and pro-economy agenda versus a “radical left” agenda he said is supported by Democratic presidential […]

Posted inNational News

Tara Reade speaks out on Democratic convention, says party ‘complicit’ in ‘gaslighting’ survivors

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News Biden accuser said she would ‘absolutely’ speak at GOP convention upon an invitation. Tara Reade, who rocked the presidential primary race early this year with sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden before her story faded from the headlines in the face of adamant denials, voiced disappointment in the Democratic Party’s […]

Posted inNational News

South Dakota turns down extra $300-a-week unemployment benefits from Trump administration

By Evie Fordham FOXBusiness ‘South Dakota’s economy, having never been shut down, has recovered nearly 80% of our job losses,’ governor says. South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem rejected the federal government’s offer of an additional $300 in weekly unemployment benefits and touted her state’s economic recovery amid the coronavirus pandemic. “My administration is very grateful for the additional flexibility that this effort […]

Posted inNational News

Democratic convention sees party unity mission: Keep ‘resistive’ Bernie Sanders supporters from blowing this

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News Party wants to avoid replay of 2016 convention discord. For a party that endured a wide-open presidential primary with more than two-dozen candidates ranging from the left to the middle – and with the wounds of disunity from 2016 still healing – achieving party unity at this week’s Democratic National Convention is a top priority. And Democrats are intent […]

Posted inOpinion

Miranda Devine: Touting Kamala Harris as a moderate is a liberal dose of deception

 By Miranda Devine | New York Post Her record shows her to be a gifted shapeshifter. The New York Times was quick out of the blocks with the Democratic pitch that Kamala Harris is a “pragmatic moderate.” It’s pulling your leg. Joe Biden’s running mate had the most liberal voting record in the Senate last year — surpassing even Bernie Sanders — […]