Posted inNational News

Trump Says ‘No More Money for RINOs,’ Asks Supporters to Donate to His PAC and Website

By Ivan Pentchoukov President Donald Trump issued a fiery statement on Monday night calling on his supporters to no longer give money to Republicans who oppose his Make America Great Again agenda and directed donations to his campaign website and the Save America political action committee, instead of the Republican National Committee (RNC). “No more money for […]

Posted inNational News

Conservative Nonprofit to Launch $10 Million Campaign to Strengthen Election Integrity: Report

By Tom Ozimek Conservative nonprofit Heritage Action for America is on Monday expected to announce plans to spend $10 million on a wide-ranging election integrity campaign to strengthen voting laws in eight swing states, according to reports. According to Fox News, the campaign will target Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, Texas, and Wisconsin, with the effort involving […]

Posted inNational News

Trump: Big Tech Companies ‘Should Be Punished’ for Censoring Conservative Voices

By Janita Kan Big tech companies such as Twitter, Google, and Facebook should face major penalties if they continue to engage in censorship of conservative voices, President Donald Trump told an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). The former president, in his first major appearance since leaving office, took the opportunity to renew calls to sanction […]

Posted inNational News

Environment Improved Under Trump Administration: Former EPA Head

By Zachary Stieber and Jan Jelielek Former President Donald Trump’s policies helped improve the environment, his former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator said over the weekend. “All the environmental indicators under President Trump improved. Our air today is seven percent cleaner than it was when President Trump took office. Our water quality is highest it’s ever been. On […]

Posted inNational News

Trump Mulls White House Bid in CPAC Speech: ‘I May Even Decide to Beat Them for Third Time’

By Jack Phillips Former President Donald Trump delivered his first major speech after leaving office, charting a path forward for the Republican Party and conservatives but suggested that he might run in 2024. “I may even decide to beat them for the third time,” he said. Trump said the conservative movement he created “is far from being over” […]

Posted inImmigration

Former Trump Adviser Says Biden’s Immigration Bill Could ‘Erase the Very Essence of America’s Nationhood’

By Li Hai Stephen Miller, former senior adviser to former President Donald Trump, told Fox News on Sunday that a new immigration bill proposed by Democrats would “fundamentally erase the very essence of America’s nationhood.” On Feb. 18, Democrats formally introduced President Joe Biden’s new immigration bill that provides an eight-year pathway to citizenship for about 11 […]

Posted inCongress

Biden’s AG Pick Says He Would Support White House’s Push to Restrict Gun Ownership

By Jack Phillips Merrick Garland, President Joe Biden’s nominee for attorney general, said Monday that he would align the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) with the White House’s push to restrict gun ownership. “The president is a strong supporter of gun control and has been an advocate all his professional life on this question,” Garland said during […]

Posted inNational News

Trump to Talk About the Future of Republican Party at CPAC: Senior Adviser

By Janita Kan Former President Donald Trump will talk about the future of the Republican party and lessons learned in 2020 during his upcoming speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Trump senior adviser Jason Miller has said. CPAC Communications Director Ian Walters told The Epoch Times on Saturday that the former president will be a keynote speaker at […]

Posted inOpinion

Opinion: A Quieter, More Focused Donald Trump Will Defeat the Never Trumpers

By Conrad Black Commentary The battle lines were drawn within a couple of hours following the acquittal of former President Trump in his second impeachment case, between Trump and his followers and the recently returned ghost of the Never Trump movement. The ex-president’s Republican enemies are pale and malnourished after four years skulking in the […]