Posted inNational News

Florida to Go After Parents Who Pay Cartels to Smuggle Their Children Into the US

By Charlotte Cuthbertson Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is looking to investigate and prosecute parents who pay transnational criminal organizations to smuggle their children illegally across the U.S. southern border. DeSantis filed a petition with the Florida Supreme Court on June 17 requesting a statewide grand jury be impaneled for the initial duration of a year. […]

Posted inNational News

‘A Great Night!’: Trump Celebrates Primary Wins in Nevada, North Dakota, South Carolina

By Frank Fang Former President Donald Trump was excited to see many political candidates he endorsed have secured victory in recent primary races. “Every single endorsed by Trump candidate won last night, by big margins, with the exception of one very long shot who did FAR better than anticipated against an incumbent,” Trump wrote on his social […]

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‘Red Wave’ Becoming More Likely in Eyes of Political Forecasters

By Nannette Holt Election forecasters changed their predictions Wednesday on the expected outcomes of four November midterm elections. They based those decisions partly on the way voters in four states cast ballots the day before. The changes signaled expectations of improved chances for victory for Republicans in two Texas congressional races and Vermont’s gubernatorial race. Only one […]

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Republican 2023 Budget Proposal Calls for Critical Race Theory Ban in Education, Military

By Bill Pan For the first time, House Republicans have included in their annual budget proposal a ban on federal money being used to promote critical race theory (CRT) in schools and the military. The budget for fiscal year 2023, titled “Blueprint to Save America,” was released June 9 by the Republican Study Committee (RSC), a group of more […]

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FBI Warns It Won’t Tolerate ‘Violence’ Amid Supreme Court’s Abortion Ruling

By Jack Phillips The FBI warned Friday that it will not “tolerate violence, destruction, interference with government functions, or trespassing on government property” after an armed man was arrested earlier this week near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home. On Wednesday, officials arrested 26-year-old Nicholas John Roske near Kavanaugh’s Maryland home and said he allegedly wanted to kill […]

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Group of Senators, Including 10 Republicans, Announce Breakthrough on Gun Control Deal

By Jack Phillips A bipartisan group of senators announced an agreement on gun control Sunday, including providing more resources for mental health needs, school safety, and more. The announcement includes the support of 10 Republican senators, which is needed for the upper congressional chamber to overcome the legislative filibuster in the 50-50 senate. It was […]

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A Call to Arms: Teachers in Conservative States Are Volunteering to Carry Guns

By Darlene McCormick Sanchez Crosses and flowers laid out in the public square of the grief-stricken town Uvalde, where a teen gunman killed 19 students and two teachers, are an all-too-familiar scene igniting a call to arms for teachers in Texas and beyond. The Republican-led Texas legislature is addressing the twin issues of school safety and mass violence […]