Posted inBusiness

US Retailers Facing a Potential Wave of Bankruptcies

By Naveen Athrappully The U.S. retail industry might be at the precipice of a massive wave of bankruptcies, according to multiple experts, as customers struggle with shrinking purchasing power amid rising inflation. “We have potentially a perfect storm brewing,” Sally Henry, a professor of law at Texas Tech Law School and former partner at Skadden, Arps, Slate, […]

Posted inSupreme Court

Justice Thomas: Supreme Court Should Reconsider Rulings on Same-Sex Marriage, Contraception

By Jack Phillips Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wrote Friday that the high court should reconsider rulings on contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage in a solo concurring opinion released Friday that struck down Roe v. Wade. The Republican-appointed justice argued that the Supreme Court should reconsider other cases that fall under prior due process precedents. “I write separately […]

Posted inNational News

Kansas to Be First Test of Voter Sentiment in the ‘Post-Roe’ Era

By John Haughey The first ballot test of the official, newly-minted “post-Roe era” will be on Aug. 2, when Kansas voters are presented with a proposed amendment on their primary ballots that declares there is no constitutional right to abortion. The Kansas Value Them Both Amendment is the first of four proposed constitutional amendments addressing abortion that will go before […]

Posted inNational News

House Republicans Voice Opposition to Senate Gun Control Legislation

By Frank Fang House GOP leaders have announced that they will vote against the Senate’s gun control bill, with House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) saying he will whip voting against the measure. Lauren Fine, Scalise’s spokesperson, told Fox News Digital on June 22 that the No. 2 House Republican will encourage his fellow Republicans to vote “no.” “In […]

Posted inNational News

NRA Responds to Senate’s Gun-Control Bill

By Jack Phillips The National Rifle Association (NRA) responded to the Senate’s gun control package by saying it “falls short on every level.” “The NRA will support legislation that improves school security, promotes mental health services, and helps reduce violent crime. However, we will oppose this gun control legislation because it falls short at every level. […]

Posted inNational News

Democrats Face Turmoil As Concerns Mount About Biden’s Suitability to Run in 2024, Observers Say

By Michael Washburn The widely-expected losses that the Democratic Party will face in the November midterm elections, as voters register their frustration and anger over record inflation, surging mortgage rates and house prices, a bearish stock market performing markedly worse than during the previous administration, and concern about the course of the Ukraine crisis, leave the […]