Posted inOpinion

Tara Ross: Dems’ ‘ranked-choice’ voting bill dangerously undermines states’ rights under Constitution

By Tara Ross | Fox News If Rep. Jamie Raskin, D.-Md., and a handful of Democratic congressmen get their way, states will be forced to change the manner in which they elect their congressmen. These Democrats hope to mandate the use of “ranked-choice” voting in congressional elections nationwide. Today, each state is in charge of itself. The Ranked Choice Voting Act would strip them of […]

Posted inOpinion

Jim Breslo: To help homeless, California turns to dumb idea loved by the left – And guaranteed to fail

By Jim Breslo | Fox News What’s really behind California’s homeless crisis? It was former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel who famously said, “You never want to let a serious crisis go to waste. What I mean by that is it gives you an opportunity to do things that you could not do before.” The tactic has been linked to Saul […]

Posted inOpinion

David Bossie: Impeachment inquiry? No, Americans are witnessing an impeachment conclusion

By David N. Bossie | Fox News President Trump’s top allies are pushing back hard against the fraudulent impeachment investigation on Capitol Hill. Congressman Lee Zeldin (R-NY) was absolutely correct when he described the Democrat’s latest probe of the President as a “political charade” and a “clown show.” With the Democrats trying to overturn the 2016 presidential election behind […]

Posted inOpinion

Liz Peek: Democrats toss Biden aside in zeal to impeach — ensuring Trump’s reelection

By Liz Peek | Fox News President Trump did something stupid when he asked the president of Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden for corruption. Democrats did something even stupider. By jumping so eagerly on the impeachment bandwagon, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues have taken Biden, Democrats’ most credible candidate, out of contention. The former vice president’s campaign […]

Posted inNational News

Dems launch longshot bid for DC statehood at rare hearing, as Republicans hammer local corruption

By Alex Pappas | Fox News House Democrats, in their first hearing on D.C. statehood in more than 25 years, on Thursday advocated for the District of Columbia to become the country’s 51st state as Republicans raised concerns about recent corruption scandals involving local D.C. officials. Critics of D.C. statehood have long cited local corruption as one reason to […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

‘A Historic Milestone’: 150 Federal Judges Confirmed Under Trump

BY MASOOMA HAQ The Senate confirmed on Sept. 11 that under President Donald Trump there have been 150 new judicial appointments. The Senate confirmed six more appeals court nominees on Wednesday, including two who were first nominated by Barack Obama. “I’m very pleased that the Senate has confirmed 150 federal judges thus far in President Trump’s […]

Posted inOpinion

If Trump’s ‘Bigotry’ Is Impeachable Offense, Why Did Obama Get a Pass?

By Larry Elder Of all the reasons critics offer for President Donald Trump’s impeachment, the one suggested by Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) is among the most ridiculous. Green argues that Trump’s alleged racism serves as a legitimate basis for impeachment. In July, Green announced plans to introduce articles of impeachment: “The Mueller hearing has nothing to […]

Posted inUnited States

How the Electoral College Works Today

By Gary L Gregg This is the third installment in a series based on questions asked by high school students about the Electoral College. The previous two articles explored the origins and evolution of the institution. Here, we look at the underlying mathematical assumptions that shape our elections. How Does the Electoral College Work Today? […]

Posted inWorld

Elusive Al Qaeda leader Zawahri marks 9/11 anniversary by calling for jihadists to attack US, Israel

By Hollie McKay | Fox News He has managed to evade authorities for more than 18 years, but Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri is still using his platform to call for bloodshed from the shadows. To mark the 18th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the terror leader called on Muslims to attack U.S., European, Israeli and Russian targets in a speech. […]