Posted inNational News

Media Disgrace Themselves in Calling Election Still Being Contested

By Conrad Black The elaborate pretense being conducted that the U.S. presidential election has been decided resembles the exaggerated excitement of a juvenile team when a contested goal or touchdown has been scored. The side that claims to have scored, especially if it’s a game-winning or even championship-winning play, may have already uncorked champagne and carried the […]

Posted inNational News

Serious Questions Concerning the 2020 Election Must and Can Be Answered

By Jason D. Meister and Stephen B. Meister In our constitutional republic, the power of the government derives from the consent of the governed. The American people give that consent only once every four years on Election Day. If they have legitimate questions about the integrity of the election—and there is good cause to be gravely concerned about the integrity […]

Posted inCongress

McConnell Reelected as Senate Majority Leader

By Jack Phillips Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) was reelected as leader of the Senate GOP on Monday. McConnell and his leadership team won another two-year term. “We’re ready to get going,” the 78-year-old Republican from Kentucky told reporters at a press conference after the vote. He noted that “there’s some suspense about exactly whether we’ll be […]

Posted inNational News

System ‘Glitch’ Also Uncovered In Wisconsin – Reversal of Swapped Votes Removes Lead from Joe Biden

By Joe Hoft The Gateway Pundit We’ve reported on numerous events identified in the 2020 election already which are being referred to as ‘glitches’ by the Democrats.  Tonight we just uncovered another ‘glitch’ in Wisconsin.  When this one is confirmed it will result in a 19,500 vote gain for Trump making the Wisconsin race a […]

Posted inNational News

Missouri, Kentucky AGs Join Lawsuit Challenging Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballot Deadline Extension

By Tom Ozimek Attorneys general in Missouri and Kentucky have joined a Republican lawsuit challenging Pennsylvania mail-in ballots before the U.S. Supreme Court, according to multiple reports. A spokesperson for Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt was cited by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch as saying that Schmitt intends to add his name to an amicus brief—a legal document that can be filed by a […]

Posted inNational News

Biden–Trump Margin in Pennsylvania Close to Automatic Recount: Sen. Toomey

By Zachary Stieber The vote margin between Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania is close to the threshold that would trigger an automatic recount, Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) noted on Nov. 8. “You know, 70 million Americans voted for Donald Trump and they and the president deserve to have this process play out. […]

Posted inNational News

Lindsey Graham Urges Trump, Republicans Not to Concede to Biden

By Jack Phillips Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, called on President Donald Trump not to concede and to “fight hard” in the current legal battles that have ensued as Democrat nominee Joe Biden declared victory. While a number of news organizations have called the presidential race for Biden, The Epoch Times won’t declare […]

Posted inNational News

Michigan Republicans to Probe Voting Software After Counting Error

By Jack Phillips Republicans in Michigan said they are expanding their investigation into Dominion Voting Systems after a county-level counting error switched Republican votes to Democrat last week. “Our team is currently reaching out to county clerks across Michigan as well as going through election results in each of the counties which use this software to see how widespread this error may […]

Posted inNational News

George W. Bush Says Trump Has Right to Pursue Legal Election Cases

By Jack Phillips Former Republican President George W. Bush on Nov. 8 said that President Donald Trump has the “right to request recounts and pursue legal challenges” for “any unresolved issues” to “be properly adjudicated.” “The American people can have confidence that this election was fundamentally fair, its integrity will be upheld, and its outcome is clear,” Bush said. Bush, […]