Posted inEconomy

Over 40 states preparing to pay out Trump’s $300 unemployment aid boost

By Megan Henney FOXBusiness Arizona, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Tennessee and Texas are the only states to have started paying claims this month. More than three weeks after President Trump signed an executive action partially restoring boosted unemployment aid, 41 states have signed up to pay out the $300-a-week federal portion of the sweetened aid. President Trump signed an executive […]

Posted inHealthcare

Coronavirus impact: State-by-state re-openings & restrictions

By Daniella Genovese FOXBusiness The aggressive measure is meant to keep the virus in check by forcing people to stay away from each other. Local governments around the nation are working to reopen the economy months after “stay-at-home” or “shelter-in-place” orders were implemented in an attempt to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. As the virus rapidly spread around […]

Posted inNational News

Jeff Flake joins over two-dozen former GOP members of Congress to launch ‘Republicans for Biden’

By Brooke Singman | Fox News Announcement comes on the first day of the Republican National Convention. More than two-dozen former Republican members of Congress threw their support behind a “Republicans for Biden” effort being launched Monday by the Democratic presidential nominee’s campaign to engage potential GOP supporters this November. The announcement comes on the first day of […]

Posted inNational News

Trump mocks Biden’s Scranton roots ahead of convention speech: ‘He abandoned Pennsylvania’

By Andrew O’Reilly | Fox News “Joe Biden is a puppet of the radical left movement that seeks to destroy the American way of life,” Trump said. Hours before Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is set to give his acceptance speech in Delaware, President Trump was in the state of Biden’s birth, where he blasted his election rival on everything from […]

Posted inNational News

Trump Pennsylvania speech to attack Biden on trade, energy, immigration

By Brooke Singman, John Roberts | Fox News Biden has spent the last half century ‘ripping off’ residents and workers of Pennsylvania, Trump is expected to say. President Trump is expected to take on Joe Biden Thursday during a speech in Pennsylvania, slamming the former vice president’s record and his policies on trade, energy and jobs, while touting his own […]

Posted inOpinion

Miranda Devine: Touting Kamala Harris as a moderate is a liberal dose of deception

 By Miranda Devine | New York Post Her record shows her to be a gifted shapeshifter. The New York Times was quick out of the blocks with the Democratic pitch that Kamala Harris is a “pragmatic moderate.” It’s pulling your leg. Joe Biden’s running mate had the most liberal voting record in the Senate last year — surpassing even Bernie Sanders — […]

Posted inNational News

President Trump to participate in every day of Republican convention

By Marisa Schultz, John Roberts | Fox News President Trump will participate in every day of the Republican National Convention (RNC), an untraditional move for the nominee who is typically highlighted on the final night of festivities, Fox News has learned. But Trump already bucked tradition once before when, four years ago, he made a surprise appearance on the first night of the […]

Posted inNational News

Trump claims Biden ‘no longer worthy of the Black Vote’ in wake of diversity comment

By Brooke Singman | Fox News ‘Sleepy Joe Biden just lost the Black Vote,’ Trump first said in a now-deleted tweet. President Trump on Friday said his presumptive Democratic challenger Joe Biden “is no longer worthy of the Black Vote,” after the former vice president made comments contrasting African American and Latino diversity. “After yesterday’s statement, Sleepy Joe Biden is […]

Posted inOpinion

Sens. Grassley and McSally: Coronavirus pandemic has accelerated need to cut drug prices

By Sen. Chuck Grassley, Sen. Martha McSally | Fox News Partisan obstructionists who would rather seize political advantage than enact bipartisan drug pricing reform are bottom feeders of the swamp. Americans are struggling to afford their prescription medicine. We hear this in nearly every conversation with our constituents. Sticker shock at the pharmacy counter forces seniors, in particular, to […]

Posted inCongress

House GOP resolution accuses Ilhan Omar of ‘anti-American’ remarks; office decries ‘false smear’

By Adam Shaw | Fox News Resolution introduced by Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona. A resolution introduced Thursday by House Republicans condemns allegedly “anti-American” statements by Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., after remarks in which she called for supporters to begin “dismantling the whole system of oppression.” The resolution, introduced by Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz. – and co-sponsored by Reps. Scott Perry, R-Pa., […]

Posted inOpinion

Democrats beware – Backlash against leftist mob rule growing. Here’s what polls show

By Liz Peek | Fox News Americans are fed up and they are angry – increasingly, they will push back. The backlash has begun. Repudiation of the cancel culture, the looting of neighborhoods, the defaming of our nation’s history, the destruction of public monuments, attacks on the police, and – yes – the non-stop dishonesty of the liberal media and vilification of President Trump, is cropping up […]