Posted inEconomy

DeSantis fires back at coronavirus critics, says Florida didn’t have issues other states did

By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis boasted on Tuesday that the numbers of coronavirus cases in his state are far below what was expected, as some states with more restrictive shutdown orders have been hit harder. Speaking to reporters alongside President Trump at the White House, DeSantis pushed back against criticism that he waited too long to […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Barr tells federal prosecutors to ‘be on the lookout’ for overly restrictive coronavirus shutdown orders

By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News Attorney General Bill Barr has instructed federal prosecutors to “be on the lookout” for overly restrictive state and local shutdown orders that may infringe on people’s constitutional rights. In a memo issued Monday, Barr recognized that while some restrictions are necessary and proper for combating the coronavirus pandemic, others could go too far. “If a […]

Posted inHealthcare

Buildings closed by coronavirus face another risk: Legionnaires’ disease

By John Shiffman WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Commercial buildings shuttered for weeks to stem the spread of the coronavirus could fuel another grisly lung infection: Legionnaires’ disease. Public health experts are urging landlords across the globe to carefully re-open buildings to prevent outbreaks of the severe, sometimes lethal, form of pneumonia. The sudden and sweeping closures […]

Posted inNational News

Georgia state rep who endorsed Trump reverses resignation, calls Dems ‘the bigots they claim to hate’

By Sam Dorman | Fox News A Democratic Georgia lawmaker has reversed an initial decision to step down from office after facing backlash for endorsing President Trump for reelection last week. “Yesterday, I announced my intentions to resign from my office,” Rep. Vernon Jones, D-Lithonia, tweeted on Thursday. “But shortly thereafter, the outpour[sic] of support I received was too great for me to ignore. […]

Posted inEconomy

Millions of Americans join unemployment line as coronavirus savages economy

By Lucia Mutikani WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A stunning 26.5 million Americans have sought unemployment benefits since mid-March, confirming that all the jobs gained during the longest employment boom in U.S. history have been wiped out as the novel coronavirus savages the economy. The deepening economic slump amid nationwide lockdowns to control the spread of COVID-19, […]

Posted inNational News

Dem lawmakers eye ‘opportunity’ for historic expansion of government amid coronavirus crisis

By Adam Shaw | Fox News Former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said during the 2008 financial crisis that lawmakers should “never let a crisis go to waste,” and many Democratic lawmakers appear to be heeding that advice — using the coronavirus pandemic as a jumping-off point to renew calls for a historic expansion of government. Emanuel repeated his mantra again last […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Barr: DOJ may side with citizens who sue states over ‘onerous’ coronavirus restrictions

By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News Attorney General Bill Barr took a clear swipe Tuesday at state restrictions on citizens during the coronavirus pandemic, indicating not only that people could sue over measures that go too far but that the Justice Department could end up siding with them against the states. In an appearance on Hugh Hewitt’s radio program, Barr specified some of […]

Posted inNational News

Protests against coronavirus lockdown orders spread in North Carolina, Missouri: ‘My rights are essential’

By Andrew O’Reilly | Fox News Angry demonstrators took to the streets in North Carolina and Missouri on Tuesday to voice their discontent at their states’ stay-at-home orders amid the coronavirus pandemic. The protests in Raleigh, N.C. and Jefferson City, Mo., are the latest in a series of protests across the country against state lockdown orders – fueled […]

Posted inNational News

Tying It All Together: China, Dr. Fauci, French Company Sanofi Pasteur, George Soros and the Gates Foundation

By Jim Hoft Links between Dr. Tony Fauci, China, French company Sanofi Pasteur, George Soros and the Gates Foundation are old and deep.  The China coronavirus ties them all together. In late December 2019, Taiwan sent an email to the World Health Organization (WHO) stating that a unique ‘atypical pneumonia’ was identified in China and […]

Posted inNational News

Hundreds protest coronavirus stay-at-home order in California to ‘defend constitutional rights’

By Travis Fedschun | Fox News Hundreds of people gathered Sunday in Southern California to protest the state’s stay-at-home orders to prevent the spread of coronavirus, the latest in a growing number of demonstrations nationwide. The protesters assembled in San Clemente, near the city’s pier, before marching a half-mile through town joined by drivers who honked in support. Leigh Dundas, a human rights attorney, […]