Posted inEconomy

Coronavirus lockdowns: Unrest growing in few remaining states that won’t give firm reopening date

By Greg Norman | Fox News Unrest is growing Friday in the American states that have become the last holdouts in terms of announcing dates when their economies will start reopening during the coronavirus outbreak. As the virus continues its deadly and unpredictable spread across the U.S., the economic losses are piling up as well, with more than 33 million Americans seeking jobless aid since the closures began. The overwhelming majority of states have […]

Posted inNational News

Government gone too far? States rebuked for coronavirus lockdown measures

By Andrew O’Reilly | Fox News The Justice Department has sided with a Virginia church suing Gov. Ralph Northam after police threatened a pastor with jail time or a $2,500 fine for violating lockdown restrictions by holding a service on Palm Sunday – marking the latest incident where federal lawyers or local courts have challenged a state’s stay-at-home mandates […]

Posted inHealthcare

Possible coronavirus vaccine enters human testing trial

By Perry Chiaramonte, Angela Bertorelli | Fox News Progress is being made toward a viable vaccine for the coronavirus, say researchers at a Philadelphia-based pharmaceutical company. Inovio Pharmaceuticals along with the University of Pennsylvania’s research facility and the Wistar Institute, have been working on the vaccine as early as this past January. Originally reported by Fox News, the vaccine was fast-tracked into development after the […]

Posted inNational News

Protests against coronavirus lockdown orders spread in North Carolina, Missouri: ‘My rights are essential’

By Andrew O’Reilly | Fox News Angry demonstrators took to the streets in North Carolina and Missouri on Tuesday to voice their discontent at their states’ stay-at-home orders amid the coronavirus pandemic. The protests in Raleigh, N.C. and Jefferson City, Mo., are the latest in a series of protests across the country against state lockdown orders – fueled […]

Posted inCongress

Trump ramps up pressure on Pelosi over stalemate on small business program: ‘Come back to Washington’

By Adam Shaw | Fox News President Trump on Friday ramped up the pressure on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, urging her to “get back to Washington” and solve the stalemate in Congress over a $250 billion request to top-up a small-business loan program as part of the response to the coronavirus crisis. “An incompetent political hack! Come back to Washington & […]

Posted inNational News

Coronavirus stay-at-home orders stir protests nationwide amid fears of economic collapse

By Andrew O’Reilly | Fox News At least 15,000 cars and trucks are expected to descend on Michigan’s state capital on Wednesday to protest what they’re calling Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s tyrannical new guidelines to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus in the state. The so-called “drive-by” demonstration – in order to maintain social distancing […]

Posted inHealthcare

FBI exposes coronavirus scam after 39M masks promised from overseas fail to reach California hospitals

By Danielle Wallace | Fox News The FBI uncovered an international coronavirus-fueled fraud scheme after more than 39 million masks promised to a powerful California union representing health-care workers were never delivered to hospitals and other medical groups in the state, according to a report published Saturday. This Man Knew He Needed to Bury Exactly 42 School Buses Under the Ground. People Laughed at […]

Posted inHealthcare

US overtakes Italy to have highest coronavirus death toll in the world after 2,000 deaths in a day

By Lucia I. Suarez Sang | Fox News The United States has reached a grim milestone in the fight against coronavirus, passing Italy to become the country with the most deaths in the world. A tally by Johns Hopkins University showed Saturday that 18,860 people have now died in the U.S. since the start of the outbreak. On Saturday, 2,108 people died […]