Posted inNational Security & Defense

Preparations Quietly Made to Screen For Ebola at US Airports

By Patrick Howley The U.S. federal government quietly put out a call last week for Ebola screeners at airports including Dulles International Airport in the Washington area, as migrants from an Ebola-afflicted region in Africa settle in the United States. The job “EMT, Ebola Airport Screener” has a very straightforward job description: “To screen passengers that […]

Posted inWorld

North Korea’s forced abortions: The Hermit Kingdom’s underreported human rights abuses

By Hollie McKay | Fox News While North Korea routinely makes headlines for its missile tests, nuclear program and the various apocalyptic pronouncements of dictator Kim Jong Un, one of Pyongyang’s most horrific tools of abuse rarely gets a mention and is largely unchecked: the ongoing implementation of forced abortion. Experts that spoke to Fox News said China is complicit in the abuse, and have said […]

Posted inOpinion

Prescription For Violence: The Corresponding Rise of Antidepressants, SSRIs & Mass Shootings

Revisiting an article written by Brian Millet in May 2019 According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a mass murder occurs when at least four people are murdered, not including the shooter, over a relatively short period of time during a single incident. Over the last 30 years, the United States has seen a significant increase in mass […]

Posted inCongress

McConnell condemns ‘modern-day McCarthyism,’ ‘feckless’ Obama policies, after pundits call him ‘Russian asset’

By Gregg Re | Fox News In unusually forceful, angry, and personal terms, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Monday countered what he called “baseless smears” from left-wing media and vowed not to be “intimidated,” in the wake of a Washington Post op-ed that declared McConnell a “Russian asset.” That op-ed was written by columnist Dana Milbank, whom McConnell bluntly suggested was one of […]

Posted inNational News

Rand Paul Offers Money to ‘Ungrateful’ Omar for Trip to Somalia: ‘She Can Look and Learn’

BY ZACHARY STIEBER Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) offered to give Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) money for a trip to Somalia, her country of birth, saying she should go there to “learn” and “appreciate America more.” Paul’s comments come after President Donald Trump has repeatedly attacked Omar and her close allies, known as the “Squad,” for their remarks about a range of […]

Posted inNational News

Republicans Introduce Bill To Label Antifa Domestic Terrorists After Attack on ICE Facility

BY ZACHARY STIEBER Republican Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Bill Cassidy (R-La.) introduced a bill on July 18 that would label Antifa a domestic terror organization after police in Washington said an Antifa member committed a terror attack on an immigration facility and Antifa members battered a journalist in Portland in broad daylight without being arrested. “Antifa is […]

Posted inCongress

House holds Barr, Ross in criminal contempt, as GOP decries ‘more political theater’

By Gregg Re | Fox News The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to hold Attorney General Bill Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in criminal contempt, saying they were stonewalling congressional probes into the Trump administration’s efforts to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census. The vote was one of a series of rapid-fire developments to rock the House, coming less […]

Posted inOpinion

Trump’s harsh attacks produce the debate he wants, on Socialist Democrats

By Howard Kurtz | Fox News Since I’ve been tough on President Trump’s attacks on the Democratic freshmen, and since the media outrage has been deafening, and since all House Democrats (and four Republicans) voted for a resolution condemning his tweets, I’ll begin by giving the floor to the president’s supporters. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said […]

Posted inImmigration

Nikki Haley slams ‘disgusting’ silence from Dems after Mexican flag raised at ICE facility

By Gregg Re | Fox News Former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley on Sunday condemned prominent Democrats for staying mum after protesters demonstrating outside a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility last week pulled down the American flag and flew the flag of Mexico in its place. Crews in Aurora, Colorado, restored the American flag Friday evening. The protesters also removed a “Blue Lives Matter” […]

Posted inNational News

Robert Bluey: Trump’s social media summit spotlights widespread anti-conservative bias by tech giants

By Robert Bluey | Fox News Donald Trump is America’s first true social media president, so it was only natural that he would convene the first-ever social media summit at the White House. I was honored to attend Thursday. With few details made public before the event, many national news outlets sharply criticized the meeting – just as you might […]