Posted inOpinion

Tucker Carlson: Coronavirus response is being driven by politics

By Tucker Carlson | Fox News It is very likely that the coronavirus lockdowns themselves will affect the outcome of this year’s presidential election. The president announced Thursday that the Republican Party has canceled its traditional nominating convention in Florida next month. The reason: coronavirus. DONALD TRUMP: This afternoon, my political team came to me and laid out our plans for the convention in […]

Posted inOpinion

Coronavirus double standard — liberal media declare protests more sacred than church

By Tim Graham | Creators Syndicate Our media elites don’t care when religious believers of all colors and creeds are demoted to second-class citizens. For many Americans, the most painful consequence of the coronavirus lockdowns is the closing of church services. The grace and peace of Sunday makes it easier to make it through the week. But our media […]

Posted inOpinion

Paul Batura: On Reagan Revolution’s 40th anniversary, here are 5 lessons Trump should embrace

By Paul J. Batura | Fox News Four decades later, America remains in desperate need of the values and principles that President Ronald Reagan so heartily championed. Detroit’s Joe Louis Arena was demolished earlier this spring, but exactly 40 years ago – July 17, 1980 – its then sparkling new rafters were reverberating with the triumphant cheers […]

Posted inNational News

Biden leads in Pennsylvania but some point to ‘secret Trump’ voters: poll

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News Majority of those questioned believe their communities hold a number of ‘secret Trump’ voters. A new poll in the crucial general election battleground state of Pennsylvania shows Democratic challenger Joe Biden holding a double-digit lead over President Trump among registered voters. But the survey, released Wednesday by Monmouth University, indicates that voters are evenly divided on which candidate they think […]

Posted inOpinion

Democrats beware – Backlash against leftist mob rule growing. Here’s what polls show

By Liz Peek | Fox News Americans are fed up and they are angry – increasingly, they will push back. The backlash has begun. Repudiation of the cancel culture, the looting of neighborhoods, the defaming of our nation’s history, the destruction of public monuments, attacks on the police, and – yes – the non-stop dishonesty of the liberal media and vilification of President Trump, is cropping up […]

Posted inOpinion

Trump punches back at totalitarian left — here’s why Mt. Rushmore speech important

By Liz Peek | Fox News The Left has been chipping away at our culture and values for decades — they deride religion, abhor tradition and sneer at patriotism. Which is more divisive? Tearing down our nation’s heroes and monuments, demeaning the accomplishments of a great country, casting patriotic Americans as relics from a bygone era, painting the United States as profoundly […]

Posted inHealthcare

Hydroxychloroquine helped save coronavirus patients, study shows; Trump campaign hails ‘fantastic news’

By Gregg Re | Fox News Drug touted by Trump was mocked by media. Researchers at the Henry Ford Health System in Southeast Michigan have found that early administration of the drug hydroxychloroquine makes hospitalized patients substantially less likely to die. The study, published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases, determined that hydroxychloroquine provided a “66% hazard ratio reduction,” and hydroxychloroquine and […]

Posted inNational News

Detroit police chief hits back at Rashida Tlaib: ‘Totally inaccurate’ to claim abuse of peaceful protesters

By Julia Musto | Fox News Chief James Craig says his officers feared for their lives. Michigan Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib’s claim that Detroit Police Department officers abused peaceful protesters is “totally inaccurate,” Detroit Police Chief James Craig remarked Tuesday. In an interview on “Fox News @ Night” with host Shannon Bream, Craig explained that there was “something very different” going on Sunday evening, when police […]

Posted inNational News

BET founder Robert Johnson says Dems taking black voters ‘for granted,’ calls for BLM to form party

By Marisa Schultz | Fox News BET founder Robert Johnson says the Democratic Party has taken black voters in America for granted, and he urges the ascendant Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement to form a new third party to fight for their interests. In a wide-ranging interview with Fox News that touched on 2020 politics, civil unrest and more, Johnson delivered an […]

Posted inNational News

Biden campaign adviser weighs in on why former VP hasn’t held news conference in nearly three months

By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News Former Vice President Joe Biden’s senior campaign adviser Symone Sanders dodged a question of why the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee has not held a news conference in 80 days. Biden has maintained a relatively low profile on the campaign trail during the coronavirus pandemic, holding occasional virtual events, but has not addressed questions […]