Posted inEconomy

Job Gains This Year Overstated by 1.1 Million, Philadelphia Fed Reveals

By Andrew Moran Labor data might have been overcounted by as much as 1.1 million jobs earlier this year, the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia revealed in a new quarterly report. According to the regional central bank’s second-quarter “Early Benchmark Revisions of State Payroll Employment” report (pdf), researchers’ estimated employment changes that occurred between March and June […]

Posted inNational News

Trump Files Defamation Suit Against Pulitzer Prize Board for Rewarding ‘Russia Collusion’ Coverage

By Samantha Flom Former President Donald Trump filed a defamation lawsuit against members of the Pulitzer Prize Board on Dec. 13 after the board declined to rescind the 2018 National Reporting prizes presented to The New York Times and The Washington Post for their reporting on the debunked allegations of collusion between Trump and Russia. Noting that those allegations […]

Posted inNational News

Rep. Lauren Boebert Wins Reelection, Recount Confirms

By Zachary Stieber Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) will serve another term in Congress after a recount showed she triumphed in her reelection bid, Colorado officials confirmed late Dec. 12. The mandatory recount, triggered because the margin between Boebert and her challenger was within 0.5 percent, “reconfirmed that Representative Lauren Boebert is the winner of the race,” the office of […]

Posted inNational News

Louisiana Voters Approve Measure Barring Voting for Non-US Citizens

By Katabella Roberts Louisiana voters on Dec. 10 approved a number of state constitutional amendments, including one that bans non-U.S. citizens from voting in elections. All three amendments, which also include requiring the state Senate to approve the governor’s appointments to the Civil Service Commission and Senate confirmation of State Police Commission members, received 73 percent of voters’ support. USA Today called […]

Posted inNational News

Supreme Court Justices Question Biden Administration’s Border Policy

By Hans Von Spakovsky and Cully Stimson News Analysis The Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in a lawsuit filed by Texas and Louisiana over Biden administration guidelines that severely restricted the Department of Homeland Security’s enforcement of federal immigration law against illegal aliens. Twenty other states supported Texas and Louisiana with amicus briefs, ranging from Arizona to Florida and West […]

Posted inHealthcare

How Much Harm Is Too Much for a Vaccine? We Already Have the Criteria

By Jennifer Margulis and Joe Wang There is evidence that suggests that aluminum is a neurotoxin. There is evidence that shows that glyphosate is a cause of infertility. Many vegans contend that a plant-based diet is positively associated with healthy aging.  There is a traditional Chinese belief that sweeping with a broom on New Year’s brings bad luck. But how […]

Posted inBusiness

Spotify CEO Joins Elon Musk, Accuses Apple of ‘Shameless’ Policies

By Jack Phillips The CEO of Spotify joined Twitter owner Elon Musk Wednesday in criticizing Apple over its App Store rules, claiming the firm only acts in its own self-interest. In a thread on Twitter, Spotify CEO Daniel Ek wrote that as Musk and “countless entrepreneurs” have noted, “Apple is shameless in their bullying including our recent efforts […]

Posted inNational News

Majority of Americans Don’t Completely Trust Integrity of America’s Elections: Poll Shows

By Patricia Tolson A new survey reveals that the majority of Americans do not trust the integrity of America’s elections. According to a poll conducted among likely General Election voters between Nov. 16–20 by the Trafalgar Group for Convention of States, 56.8 percent of the respondents indicated they only somewhat trust (17 percent), somewhat distrust (17.9 percent), or strongly distrust […]