Posted inNational News

Trump tells Pennsylvania crowd he just signed executive order to protect fracking

By Morgan Phillips, Adam Shaw | Fox News Trump will warn of ‘corrupt forces’ seeking to elect Biden. President Trump capitalized on his opponent’s wish to “transition” away from the oil industry in Reading, Pa., telling supporters Democratic nominee Joe Biden would “abolish” fracking.  He said the former vice president had flip-flopped on fracking, a major industry in […]

Posted inNational News

Trump vows ‘comeback’ in campaign’s closing message, claims Biden will ‘lock down your state’

By Morgan Phillips | Fox News President Trump told supporters in Michigan that Joe Biden would “eradicate the economy” while he would “eradicate the virus.” Presidential competitors are both crisscrossing the Midwest on Friday in a last-ditch battle for votes. President Trump slammed Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Waltz and “far-left” Attorney General Keith Ellison at a rally in Rochester, Minn., […]

Posted inEconomy

Trump, Biden set for dueling rallies, as U.S. economy roars back from lockdowns, shattering GDP records

By Megan Henney | Fox News Biden leading Trump nationally, but race closer in key battlegrounds. President Trump and his Democratic rival Joe Biden are set to hold dueling campaign rallies in Florida — a crucial battleground state vital to winning the White House — with just five days left in the presidential race.   The candidates will appear in Tampa hours apart on Thursday, looking to make […]

Posted inOpinion

TOM DEL BECCARO: A Trump ‘surprise’ victory is in the offing; 10 reasons why

By Tom Del Beccaro | Fox News Just as in 2016, there are tea leaves, if you will, indicating that President Trump will win again. As November 3 approaches, many prognosticators are trying to convince Americans that former Vice President Joe Biden is a lock to win the presidency. Of course, they said the same about Hillary Clinton’s chances in 2016 and […]

Posted inOpinion

The dirty little secret Democrats don’t want to reveal

By Sen. Marco Rubio | Fox News This isn’t about Amy Coney Barrett or Justice Neil Gorsuch or Justice Brett Kavanaugh… You don’t need to wait for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s long-promised and still-elusive answer to know that a Biden administration would sign legislation into law allowing them to pack the Supreme Court with left-wing activists. Biden may […]

Posted inNational News

Biden vs. Trump – the unspoken issues costing Dems dearly in rural, industrial America

By Daniel Allott | Fox News In conversations with voters around the county, it’s been clear that social issues matter most. President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden discussed many important issues during their first presidential debate on September 29, but some of the most important ones weren’t even mentioned. The words “abortion,” “guns,” “marriage,” “religion” and “immigration” […]

Posted inNational News

Whitmer kidnapping plot suspects also discussed abducting Virginia governor

By Danielle Wallace | Fox News Members of anti-government paramilitary groups allegedly discussed kidnapping Virginia’s governor during a June meeting in Ohio, an FBI agent testified Tuesday during a court hearing in Michigan. Special Agent Richard Trask was part of the investigation that led to six men being arrested and charged last week with plotting to kidnap Michigan’s Democratic […]

Posted inNational News

California election officials probing unauthorized ballot drop-off boxes popping up across state

By Danielle Wallace | Fox News Officials could not confirm who may be responsible at this time. State and local election officials in California are investigating after multiple unofficial mail-in voting drop-off boxes have been reported in several counties in the weeks leading up to Election Day, Fox News confirmed Monday. California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said in a statement […]

Posted inOpinion

Liz Peek: Trump vs. Kamala Harris – here’s how Pelosi blunder helps reelect president

By Liz Peek | Fox News Concerns about Joe Biden intensify the spotlight on his running mate Kamala Harris. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has stepped in it again. With yet another ill-considered political stunt, she has stirred up President Trump’s base like someone poking a hive of angry hornets, and at the same time put a spotlight on Kamala Harris. Neither helps Democrats.  With much fanfare, Pelosi, D-Calif., introduced a […]

Posted inNational News

Individual races in the House of Representatives may matter more than usual this year

By Chad Pergram | Fox News House and Senate are the ultimate arbiters of determining how many electoral votes go to each presidential candidate. Individual races in the House of Representatives may matter more than usual this year. After all, there’s a reason why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and even President Trump have alluded to why individual House […]