Posted inNational News

NY Post endorses Trump: ‘Make America great again, again’ and ‘tick off’ Hollywood with reelection

By Brian Flood | Fox News ‘We can put annus horribilis, 2020, behind us and make America great again, again,’ the Post wrote. The New York Post endorsed President Trump for reelection on Monday, declaring that he’s the right man to “make America great again, again” and a victory over Democratic nominee Joe Biden would also provide some entertainment by annoying Hollywood.  […]

Posted inOpinion

Mike Huckabee: Trump will move America forward, Biden would return US to disastrous Obama era

By Mike Huckabee | Fox News No president in modern American history has a list of accomplishments longer than Trump’s. The final debate Thursday night between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden showed the American people exactly what is at stake in this election. No president in modern American history has a list of accomplishments longer than Donald Trump’s. Unfortunately, […]

Posted inNational News

Joe Biden’s energy comments are a mix of incoherent and terrifying: Sen. Kevin Cramer

By Kevin Cramer FOXBusiness The former vice president’s proposals are dangerous and disconnected from reality. If former Vice President Joe Biden’s answers on energy during Thursday night’s presidential debate made you say some combination of “what?” and “that’s a bad idea,” you are not alone. His statements were a mix of incoherent and terrifying, neither of which are […]

Posted inNational News

Biden on the defensive after Trump calls him out allegedly pledging to ‘destroy the oil industry’

By Tyler Olson | Fox News Biden has remained consistent that he won’t ban fracking but plans to get to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. After the final debate on Thursday night, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden was pressed by reporters on his comments about fossil fuels, following his remarks that he plans to “transition from the oil industry.” “Eventually we’re going to […]

Posted inNational News

Russia, Iran attempting to influence 2020 elections to damage Trump, cause chaos, DNI Ratcliffe announces

By Sam Dorman | Fox News ‘Know that our election systems are resilient and you can be confident your votes are secure.’ Russia and Iran are attempting to influence the 2020 elections and have obtained some voter registration information, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said at an FBI press conference on Wednesday. Ratcliffe noted that both nations had taken specific actions to influence voters’ […]

Posted inNational News

Trump says choice is ‘American Dream’ or ‘socialist hellhole’ in 2020 race

By Audrey Conklin | Fox News US would be ‘no different than Venezuela’ under a Biden administration, Trump tells ‘Fox & Friends’. President Trump on Tuesday equated the race between himself and Democratic nominee Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election as a choice between the “American Dream” and a “socialist hellhole.” The president was responding to a question about what he thinks is the starkest contrast […]

Posted inOpinion

TOM DEL BECCARO: A Trump ‘surprise’ victory is in the offing; 10 reasons why

By Tom Del Beccaro | Fox News Just as in 2016, there are tea leaves, if you will, indicating that President Trump will win again. As November 3 approaches, many prognosticators are trying to convince Americans that former Vice President Joe Biden is a lock to win the presidency. Of course, they said the same about Hillary Clinton’s chances in 2016 and […]

Posted inNational News

Biden vs. Trump – the unspoken issues costing Dems dearly in rural, industrial America

By Daniel Allott | Fox News In conversations with voters around the county, it’s been clear that social issues matter most. President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden discussed many important issues during their first presidential debate on September 29, but some of the most important ones weren’t even mentioned. The words “abortion,” “guns,” “marriage,” “religion” and “immigration” […]

Posted inNational News

Texas Republicans challenge curbside, drive-thru voting in new lawsuit

By Megan Henney | Fox News Lawsuit seeks to halt drive-thru voting program, limit curbside voting. The Texas Republican Party filed a lawsuit Monday night challenging a decision by the state’s most populous county to provide more voting options amid the coronavirus pandemic. The state GOP’s lawsuit, filed in a state appeals court in Houston hours before early voting in Texas began, argued that […]

Posted inBusiness

Company scrambles after Biden wrongly claims they’re ‘thinking of shutting down’

By Tyler Olson | Fox News Biden corrected himself after the interview. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden during a campaign stop in Pennsylvania over the weekend incorrectly said that a plant in the city was considering closing its doors, prompting the company to issue a response to calm workers’ fears, Erie News Now reported Tuesday. Biden, during an interview with the local channel, was […]

Posted inSupreme Court

Biden is silent now on court-packing stance, but in 1983 he called it a ‘bonehead’ idea

By Bradford Betz | Fox News During a campaign stop in Phoenix on Thursday Biden said: “They’ll know my position on court-packing when the election is over,” he said. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris of California, have been mum on the question of court-packing should they win the November election, but in 1983 Biden was […]