Posted inNational News

DeSantis Suggests Moving Federal Agencies Outside of Washington to End ‘Accumulation of Power’

By Katabella Roberts Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has suggested that many federal government departments should be moved outside of their current location in Washington, D.C., in an effort to put an end to what he called the “accumulation of power” in the nation’s capital. DeSantis made the comment in an interview with The New York Post published on Feb. 18. […]

Posted inNational News

California Exodus Continues: 700,000 More Left Than Moved in Over 2 Years, US Census Shows

By Jamie Joseph California continues to grapple with the harsh reality of an ongoing migration crisis with its net migration—the difference between people moving in and those moving out—down by nearly 700,000, the most in the country, according to recently released U.S. Census data from April 2020 to July 2022. According to Chapman Economics Professor Dr. […]

Posted inNational News

Social Security Set to Run Short of Funds Earlier Than Expected: CBO Director

By Jack Phillips The head of the Congressional Budget Office, Phillip Swagel, said this week that Social Security funds may start running out by 2032, or a year earlier than previously expected by the CBO. In December, CBO estimated that the Social Security trust funds will evaporate by 2033. But Swagel said that a new analysis suggests it may […]

Posted inNational News

The Case for Risking Default on the Debt

By Jeffrey A. Tucker Commentary The same old game is starting all over again. The big spenders in Congress and the administrative state are demanding an increase in the debt limit. Republicans aren’t happy about it. They are demanding some fiscal responsibility. The negotiations begin. But the cards are stacked, and why? Because the bad guys in […]

Posted inHealthcare

NFL Players’ Association Urged to Screen for Heart Issues Over Vaccine Side Effects

By Zachary Stieber The NFL Players’ Association is being urged to offer players cardiac screening in light of the growing concern over COVID-19 vaccines causing heart inflammation. The Health Freedom Defense Fund urged the association in a recent letter to implement screening because the vaccines can cause myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation. Young males are the most at risk. […]

Posted inNational News

New Study Says EV Conversion Will Hike Lithium Demand and Increased Mining Will Cause Wider Environmental Damage

By Mark Tapscott and Madalina Vasiliu Converting America’s fleet of privately owned cars and trucks from internal combustion gasoline and diesel-fueled engines to Electric Vehicles (EVs) will cause critical shortages of Lithium—a must-have for batteries—and prompt more environmental damage due to increased mining, according to a new report. Avoiding the lithium shortages and dramatically increased environmental demand will require all but eliminating […]

Posted inNational News

Nikki Haley Makes Major Announcement Regarding 2024 Presidential Bid

By Tom Ozimek Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley on Tuesday issued a video statement in which she officially threw her hat in the ring for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, becoming the first major challenger to former President Donald Trump. “I’m Nikki Haley and I’m running for president,” Haley said in the video, which she shared on social media […]

Posted inNational News

State Supreme Court Blocks Mother From Vaccinating Children Against COVID-19

By Zachary Stieber The Rhode Island Supreme Court has temporarily blocked a mother from getting her children vaccinated against COVID-19. A trial court in January rejected arguments from Joshua Nagel, the children’s father, and said Lauren Nagel, the mother, could take her children to get COVID-19 vaccines. Lawyers for Joshua Nagel quickly asked the state’s top court […]

Posted inNational News

DeSantis Wins Control of Disney’s Special Self-Governing District: ‘New Era of Accountability’

By Tom Ozimek Florida lawmakers have passed a bill giving control of Disney’s special tax district in central Florida to a Senate-approved board, handing a victory to Gov. Ron DeSantis who pushed for the measure to make the district more accountable to voters. Legislators gave final approval on Feb. 10 to a bill authorizing DeSantis to appoint […]

Posted inHealthcare

Fight for Ivermectin as a COVID Treatment Exposes Outsized Power of State Medical Boards: Lawyer

By Katie Spence Except in nine states, medical boards act independently and have full decision-making authority regarding discipline and investigations, according to the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB). In all but 19 states, medical board members are appointed by the state’s governor and don’t require additional confirmation. In states where separate confirmation is required, the Senate or legislature is […]