Posted inNational News

Lindsey Graham Urges Trump, Republicans Not to Concede to Biden

By Jack Phillips Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, called on President Donald Trump not to concede and to “fight hard” in the current legal battles that have ensued as Democrat nominee Joe Biden declared victory. While a number of news organizations have called the presidential race for Biden, The Epoch Times won’t declare […]

Posted inNational News

Philadelphia Ballot Observer Criticizes Transparency of Counting Process

By Charlotte Cuthbertson PHILADELPHIA—Ballot observer Brian McCafferty became so disillusioned with the lack of access he and others were afforded during the ballot-counting process in the cavernous Pennsylvania Convention Center that he recorded a video on Nov. 5. The video went viral after he sent it to a friend who posted it on Twitter. Hours later, McCafferty […]

Posted inNational News

George W. Bush Says Trump Has Right to Pursue Legal Election Cases

By Jack Phillips Former Republican President George W. Bush on Nov. 8 said that President Donald Trump has the “right to request recounts and pursue legal challenges” for “any unresolved issues” to “be properly adjudicated.” “The American people can have confidence that this election was fundamentally fair, its integrity will be upheld, and its outcome is clear,” Bush said. Bush, […]

Posted inNational News

Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit Over Rejected Votes in Arizona

By Allen Zhong President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign and the Republican National Committee (RNC) on Saturday filed a lawsuit in Arizona over alleged rejected votes in Maricopa County. The Trump campaign stated that some in-person votes were disregarded because of alleged improper guidance provided by the poll workers. “When a machine detects an overvote on a ballot, […]

Posted inNational News

Video: Rep. Paul Gosar Calls for Hand Tally in Arizona to Restore Faith in Election Process

BY JAN JEKIELEK Several of America’s major media outlets have called the 2020 election for Vice President Biden. But the election hasn’t really yet been decided. Recounts have been requested in Georgia and Wisconsin, and there are pending lawsuits in Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, with other challenges possible. In this episode, we sit down with Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar […]

Posted inNational News

Protect The Vote

By Tea Party Patriots SIGN UP TO PROTECT THE VOTE VARIOUS STATES Do whatever you can to show up at your state capitol at noon, local time, Saturday, November 7th. Unlike the left, we won’t burn buildings to ground, but we will use our God-given rights to gather peaceably, show our President we support his […]

Posted inNational News

Biden inches nearer to victory through voter fraud tactics; Trump launches lawsuits and rages about ‘fraud’

By Jeff Mason, Steve Holland, Trevor Hunnicutt WASHINGTON/WILMINGTON, Del. (Reuters) – Democrat Joe Biden crept nearer to victory over Donald Trump on Thursday in an exceedingly close U.S. election that hinged on razor-thin margins in a handful of states, while the Republican president escalated his legal efforts to influence vote counting and made fresh unsubstantiated claims of voting […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Justice Department OKs armed officers investigating fraud at ballot-counting sites

By Vandana Rambaran | Fox News Possible presence of federal agents leaves some Trump critics even more concerned his administration is resorting to intimidation tactics. The Justice Department has greenlighted the use of armed agents to investigate potential voter fraud at ballot-counting centers despite a U.S. law barring the presence of federal officers on Election Day.  Officials at the agency, led […]

Posted inCongress

House of cards? Pelosi to have a hard time becoming speaker, GOP officials say

By Marisa Schultz | Fox News Democrats will have a slimmer majority in 2021. Republican leaders, gloating at flipping several House seats, took jabs at Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Wednesday for her shrinking majority and cast doubt on her ability to win enough votes to become House speaker again. “I mean Nancy Pelosi doesn’t even have a majority where she can […]