Posted inNational News

Growing Division Among California Democrats Stalls Fentanyl Bill Again Amid Fiery Protests by Victims’ Families

By Travis Gillmore SACRAMENTO—A series of outbursts echoed in the chambers of a Senate Public Safety Committee hearing on April 25 following comments indicating a bill—designed to warn fentanyl dealers of potential murder charges—would not proceed, with one victim’s family member yelling at the representatives on his way out the door, as Democratic lawmakers fought […]

Posted inNational News

California City Caught in National Controversy Over Critical Race Theory

By Brad Jones Heightened tensions among opposing sides regarding the teaching of critical race theory—or its underlying tenets—in K–12 schools erupted into chaos at a local school board meeting in Temecula, California, last week, creating deeper rifts in the community. The otherwise sleepy city tucked away in southwest Riverside County known best for its wineries […]

Posted inNational News

Judge Blocks 1999 California Law Requiring Specific Safety Features for Handguns

By Katabella Roberts A federal judge has granted a preliminary injunction against key parts of California’s Unsafe Handgun Act that would require new semiautomatic handguns to be fitted with certain safety features, finding it violates the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. U.S. District Judge Cormac Carney on March 20 ruled […]

Posted inWeather

Evacuations Ordered as Federal Agency Warns California at ‘High’ Risk of ‘Catastrophic’ Flooding

By Jack Phillips Portions of Southern California were evacuated on Tuesday after yet another winter storm hit California, coming days after thousands of people were evacuated hundreds of miles to the north. Officials in Santa Barbara County, located along the central-southern coast, said in an alert that residents who live near several burn scars should evacuate and […]

Posted inNational News

California’s Los Angeles County Removes 1.2 Million Ineligible Voters

By Zachary Stieber Los Angeles County officials have removed 1.2 million people from voter rolls. Voters who were designated ineligible or inactive were removed, officials told Judicial Watch, a nonprofit watchdog group, in recent correspondence. “This long overdue voter roll clean-up of 1.2 million registrations in Los Angeles County is a historic victory and means California […]

Posted inNational News

Ethics Complaint Filed Against California Rep. Katie Porter Claims She Misused Official Resources in 2022 Reelection Campaign

By Mark Tapscott A nonprofit government ethics watchdog claims that Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.), who is running to succeed Sen. Diane Feinstein in the 2024 election, illegally used official congressional resources in her reelection campaign. “In 2022, Rep. Porter’s congressional office used taxpayer funds to run ads that are overtly political. These ads contained identical […]

Posted inNational News

California Exodus Continues: 700,000 More Left Than Moved in Over 2 Years, US Census Shows

By Jamie Joseph California continues to grapple with the harsh reality of an ongoing migration crisis with its net migration—the difference between people moving in and those moving out—down by nearly 700,000, the most in the country, according to recently released U.S. Census data from April 2020 to July 2022. According to Chapman Economics Professor Dr. […]

Posted inNational News

8 Arrested in $1 Million Retail Theft Scheme Targeting Apple Stores in California

By Jamie Joseph Eight suspects have been arrested for allegedly stealing about $1 million worth of merchandise primarily from Apple stores, state Attorney General Rob Bonta announced Feb. 9. The alleged retail theft operation occurred between August 2022 and January 2023—in several counties across the state, including Yolo, Monterey, Alameda, Santa Clara, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, Orange, San Bernardino, San […]